boys do cry. **edit to boi**

How was your week?

Therapy this week was ok. Talked about my week a bit, and then I coloured some more. This week was the house she had wanted me to draw last week (house with four rooms- spiritual, physical, social, intellectual) Interesting. Didn’t finish it all, took it with me at the end. Wanted to ask for a big hug, but didn’t *sigh*

Then off to Supervision. Listened to everyone bitch for an hour, then went to Vinny’s for some dinner. Then to the tattoo place to look again at the tattoo they had come up with.

Then home and dinner. And I watched Boys Don’t Cry. I can’t even describe the emotions from it. I mean, thinking of it just….how? How does someone *do* that? Rape I can understand (intellectually, at least, I guess.) But. To kill someone. To kill THREE someones. To put a gun to someone’s head, tell them to put down their child and THEN kill them? What does through someone’s mind as they do that?? Certainly they’re not thinking “oh, I think I’ll kill this young mother even tho she’s done me no harm” I mean. Seriously.

I wish the movie had stuck closer to the actual events, tho, like how Brandon’s sister called the police and asked why the rapists weren’t arrested, 4 days before they went back and killed Brandon. They had time, the police.

Makes me sick. Makes ME feel dirty and disgusting.

Makes me wish….well, you know all those quizzies and such that ask what your super power would be if you could have one? I would want my super power to be to be able to recognize people like Brandon, or GLTB in general, who were afraid or in trouble. And I’d make up little business cards. “It’s ok. Seriously. Call me any time.”

Or something. *sigh*

I couldn’t reply to your note….
I wasn’t implying at all that being trans was easy. Quite the contrary!

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January 16, 2007

I can’t bring myself to watch it. Too painful.

…yeah, I did NOT like the way that movie left me feeling. Bad, bad…

January 17, 2007

Did you see the interview on Ellen today with TR Knight (George from Grey’s Anatomy)