
Oi-frikkin-vey. I just put together a 6 foot tall bookshelf. Geesum. I was sick of books being on my floor, and my sister offered to take me to Office Max before I came home this morning, and she bought me a bookshelf. Unfortunately, my apt is lacking in both vertical *and* horizontal space. Fortunately, Office Max, unlike the previous 8 stores I’ve tried to find an appropriate bookshelf in, actually HAD something. And it fits pretty perfectly width and height wise. Tho, I don’t love how it kind of juts out into the room. But. Can’t complain, I guess. Due to the sloping ceilings, there’re only so many places to put tall things. Theoretically I could put it where the short shelf is, as I am thinking I prolly won’t be needing it in my room now. But it would still jut out since it is more…jutty…than the short shelf. Plus I’d hafta find somewhere else to put my KISS poster art. So. I could put it on the other wall, but then I’d hafta move the dresser and…right. It’s just easier to put the tall bookshelf where I decided to put it, since that’s where I bought it for anyways!!!

I am in a mad cleaning frenzy, as AJ is visiting here this weekend!!! Eeps!

The short bookshelf will prolly end up being put in the closet and used as a shoe shelf or some such thing.

I either have a splinter or a tiny cut on the tip of my index finger. It hurtses!!

Oh. Here’s some pics from the weekend…..

eef. Pretty good pic of her, pretty crappy pic of me!!!! I was majorly exhausted and had just gotten out of the shower. And I had my head at a weird angle, apparently. Or was taking the picture from low instead of from right in front of our faces. oopsies.

🙂 AJ on the telephone. We were getting ready to go to the bar. Thus, the spikey hair, as opposed to the non-spikey hair in the previous pic….

*grin* This was on the way home from the baseball game we went to on Friday (after I took her out to dinner at The Olive Garden for her birfumday….) We were driving and I was like “Look!! BiLots– I wonder what they sell there!!!” and we cracked up and she turned around so I could take a picture of it. Hooray for people who /go out of their way to capture or at least don’t pass up Kodak Moments. 🙂

Back to cleaning….

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July 20, 2005

heh heh…bi lots. heh. xoxo *~

As opposed to Bi Just A Little? 😀

July 20, 2005

that bi lots sign sent me chortling. and congrats on the shelf project! i’m terrified of things like that–very good chance it’d all just come crashing down on my head.

lol @ “since it’s more… jutty…” (I love your words! 🙂 & that Bi Lots–TOO much! 🙂