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That snake I was babbling about a few weeks ago?

Will be mine tomorrow. !!! Cage and all.

And. Not only that. But.

It comes with a bearded dragon.

Albeit, a moody and tempermental bearded. But STILL.

Cages, lamps, and possibly heaters too.

The snake only costs about $3 every other week in mice. And the bearded eats dandilion leaves and mealworms and crickets.


And to think, earlier today I was just thinking “Gee, it’s good that the girl never called back, cuz I really don’t need to be getting MORE pets.”

And yet, now I’ve acquired two.

I almost said No to the bearded, cuz as the girl said I won’t sugar coat it for you…she’s moody. But. dOOd. It’s a bearded dragon!!!!!!!

I’m a glutton for punishment, I realise this.

And. I could’ve gotten them for free. But. I *know* how much beardeds cost, and I also know that snakes aren’t cheap. And, M just gave me a check and was kind of perturbed when I argued with her about depositing it and not cashing it. So, I offered the girl some money, since she had originally been trying to sell them.

I could’ve picked them up tonite, but I hadn’t cashed the check yet, so I’ll do that tomorrow. I told her I’d call her around noon-ish.

Oi. What’ve I done?? LOL. I’ve never OWNED a snake! Ack!

I definately need to get some sort of lid built for my big tank. She’s giving me the tanks that they’re already in, but it’s really kind of dumb to have a huge-ass empty tank, and then have animals mushed into little tanks. And, actually it might work out pretty well cuz I do know from talking to Dove that you shouldn’t really feed snakes in their homes, cuz then they might equate the opening of the cage with feeding time, and they don’t have the best eyesight, which equals a hand being seen as a mouse and therefore a snake lunging after a hand. Not good! So, depending on the size of the cage she has the bearded in, I might well put the snake in the big tank and keep its small tank for feeding, and keep the bearded in whatever it is currently in. Although I hope it’s in a good-sized tank, cuz it’s not full grown yet, and I wouldn’t want it mushed into a too-small tank. hmmm.

I think she said the snake is in a 20gal breeder tank, so I’m not sure if they are long or wide. Alix, I know, is in a 20gal regular tank, but my hugeass tank is long, but tall.

I am partial to beardeds and so would perhaps be inclined to keep it in the larger tank, cuz they like their space. However, snakes like to be up higher, I believe. And so would benefit more from the tall tank. Then again, I don’t know how large the snake is either. Perhaps it isn’t even mushed in a 20gallon. I dunno!

Guess I’ll hafta wait til tomorrow to find out!!!

Ugh. Don from work called and for some ungawdly reason, I agreed to work for him on the 28th. He works on the RTF. So much for going to my Aunt’s with H and mum for Labour Day. blah. But. That will mean that I’ve worked 50 hours in 2 weeks. Which will DEFINATELY be helpful to the bank account. And. I can look at it this way: the extra night of work can be payment for the snake and bearded. wOOt!!!

Not to mention that I’m getting paid for working 25 hours a week for Dr Forden, for approximately 6 weeks-ish. And, while I make almost 4 dollars less at that job, it’s still a nice income. Wee…

Oh, here’s a picture of my hugeass tank…

In other news. Speaking of working for Dr F…she *finally* gave me lots of stuff to do 🙂 Mostly photocopying, but also all of her syllabi that she wants to put on her website that I’m attempting to make for her, so I have to type all of those up. So it will be nice, I’ll actually probably be *doing* 25hrs/wk of work for her. Hooray for honest work for honest pay…

Today was therapy day. lah lah lah. But I don’t really want to write about it. It wasn’t horrible. Just somehow unnerving? I dunno. eheh. I don’t even think therapy was the unnerving part, moreso me being lost in my own thoughts.

Geesum. Two more tanks. Where the hell am I gonna put them?! oooh….I sense a ‘justifiable rearrangement of furniture’ opportunity…yay!! And. Possibly the purchase of another bookcase…(one of those cheap $20 ones from wally world…) which would be great, since all of my nursing books *and* psych books don’t fit on the current bookshelf in my room. And I can’t put my psych texts away cuz, as I found out this semester, they come in quite handy when having to write papers and such. Great reference material.

Of course, I *could* move the couch in my living room, since I have shelves behind it, sort of. They are actually the “top” of my desk and hutch-thing, but the way the apartment is, I don’t have any walls tall enough to actually put them on top of the desk or hutch. Especially since the desk is in one of the closets. So, it would look kinda odd…since the bottom is just a lot of open space, and then the top 1/3 is shelves. Hmmm….Tho. I bet the tanks would fit in the open space. Which would be good cuz then the cat couldn’t sit on top of them. Tho, the cats could sit and stare at them all day, which is rather stressful, especially probably for the snake. Tho, the snake will probably end up in the bigass tank, so. I shall see.

I just realized that the one wall of my bedroom actually isn’t sloped, and thus I could probably move the desk out of the closet and into here and put the shelving unit back on top. Tho that would require moving the dresser. And the computer desk. It would be a whole lot more convenient if that wall actually had electrical outlets on it, but it doesn’t, so I’d have to run an extension cord either from the bathroom (which would look silly, since the plug is halfway up the wall) or from all the way across the room, which would annoy me. Eeep. Decisions, decisions.

They will have to be made tomorrow, after I have the cages and dimensions.

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What does the snake look like?

Pray tell, where were you lost? J