
still no comp. am babysitting again (different kids this time) (shit, reminds me that I never called the lady back who wanted me to watch *her* kid….she heard about me from her coworker whos kids went to the same daycare as the kids I watch. heh. I get around, baby, i get around….)

license will be suspended in december if i don’t pay the fine for the speeding ticket i got in…uhm….april.ish. heh. Which I just found the other day in a purse. it had slipped my mind. bleurgh.

also need to renew my car registration, as of october 31, 2007. oops. oh, and get my car inspected. as of the last day of october. oops again. one hopes i don[t get pulled over for anything any time soon…..

thanks to the gamecube i got from some kid who wanted a quick 30 bucks, i’ve been able to keep the ‘net withdrawal symptoms mostly under control. hooray for: mariokart, mario party, and zelda and the ocarina of time. it came with the first two, as well as sonic, which i hate cuz it doesn’t make any sense, and i got the zelda game cheap on ebay, and super striker (mario soccer game) from kmart on clearance for 10 bucks.

i know. i waste money. but it’s brought me a tad bit of mental well-being, so i figure it’s worth it. (and, for the record, i got the game cube a while ago, before the recent upcropping of random unforeseen bills started rolling in.) and, i’ve only used ‘extra’ money– babysitting money. All work money goes towards bills, bills, and more bills.

so, one of my better friends, who was the biggest athiestic dyke I ever knew….has found god and is engaged. to a penis boy. guy. man. whatever.

I’m happy for her, really. but. it really makes me question. it’d be like finding out that J was some ego-maniacal psycho serial killer or that my mom was really a coke and heroin dealer or something. i dunno. just. tips the world askew a bit. blah.

time to make sure the kiddos are sleeping…..

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November 4, 2007

Hugs honey.

November 4, 2007

I had a housemate once who was gay just long enough to have a big confrontation at home and get disowned by his parents and then he moved out on me and in with a cute, curvey girl and made whoopie all night and all day for months. He didn’t tell the parental units. Was he gay or was he bi or was he just a flake? These are words and words are not always adequate to describe people. That’s why we tell stories.

Well that certainly does tip the world askew. Hmmmmmm….

*bigs hugs* I LOVED Ocarina of Time!!!! It’s a great distraction! =oD

November 4, 2007

*hugs and snuggles* breathe.

November 11, 2007

We did the same thing a couple of times. Cupboard’s bare, bills piling in…bought a playstation. Thought we couldn’t afford a house…bought a Wii.