
It is pouring. And thundering.

And I am so cold, tho it was not cold out today. I keep shivering. And coughing more and more.

Clinical was…eh. I got to do an enema. That was……fun? *rolls eyes* The guy was “special”. And thought it was hilarious that he farted after I had him rolled on his side. Thankfully he was harmless “special” since apparently he’s spent most of his life in and out of mental institutions. He coulda been mean and violent. Which. Would not have made enema-giving an easy task. As it was, he’s had several, so he knew the drill. Good thing, since I really didn’t. :op Thankfully it’s not an especially difficult procedure. Just don’t forget the lubricating jelly. (I didn’t.) And make sure the bedpan is ready. (It was.)

I also got to give him his meds. I’ve given meds before, but he was NPO and had an NG tube in. So I had to crush them up and put them in thru the NG tube. Which required lots of things, like checking the tube placement, flushing it with water, etc…All of that was far more difficult than the enema, cuz the tube was a newer one that I hadn’t seen before. *shrugs*

wow i feel like shit.

i should take laundry to m’s tonite when i babysit. but i just don’t feel like lugging it all over there. so i’m not going to.

i just want to SLEEP.

and i want to see aj this weekend. 🙁

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November 9, 2005


November 9, 2005

ditto that

I hate that the cold is finally getting here. =o( But when you do see AJ, that means more reason to cuddle! =o) RYN: What’s “odd” about missing reading me? Hmmmm? You haven’t missed much, though. Just variations on the same old crap. No enemas though.