Birthdays and Weddings (lotsa pics)

Preparing for the wedding in Jay’s room. Because he’s the coolest boy on earth, when he moved in, he put up a huge sheet of white paper covering his wall, which friends and guests can sign or whatnot. It’s fun to read and look at.

Oh! My big moment. Yes by then I was not exactly this side of sober. I got to be the ringbearer (except I kept accidentally calling myself the pallbearer. Ken called me the ring bear. lol.) And that is Matt next to me, he was the flower girl. Originally the only thing we could find to sprinkle as flower petals were skittles. But then we discovered a box full of styrofoam peanuts!!! They were perfect.

Ah, Beeker and Jay. She chose him to walk her down the aisle. It was fitting.

Here is Kat presiding over the ceremony, reading out of the holy book (well, one of two. She read from a gay boi magazine, thus the “be gay!” and naked man on the back of it. The other holy book was, of course, Mr Popper’s Penguins.) (I also think it’s highly amusing that two gay bois have a poster of “playmate of the apes” on the wall. They’re all obsessed with Misty Mundae.)

The happy couple united in holy matromony! That would be Ken’s whip thingie. It was put in to use during the reception party. (lol, technically we had the reception first, since most of us were kinda drunk by this point) Beeker is better at it than Ken, apparently, but he’s getting better they say. And in the background is Donnie, who was the best man. It was such an emotional moment. *giggolz*

Off to their honeymoon! Off to the side is Laura, she was the maid of honour/bridesmaids. Notice the hat, which is the same one I was wearing at Decemberween. Yaay!

And, of course, the mushing of the cake. LOL. It got ALL over the floor. But we cleaned it up. 🙂

It’s nice to be silly. And I certainly needed it. I’ve kind of been feeling like all I do is study and go to class. And as a wise woman told me…(putting my guilty concience at ease)…in moderation, and with an awareness of your behavior, drinking is not necessarily a problem. Be a student. Be yourself. Have fun (safely). 🙂

A good time was had by all. And the walk home was beautiful. Did I write about that? lol. I can’t remember. I don’t think I did, actually. I just sent a semi-coherent email to J. hehe.

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! I just remembered. Jay showed me his Prince Albert!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwie. It looked painful.

Anyways. The night actually started off at the Allies meeting. Which was, of course, just our small group since no one ever attends in the spring. And as usual, we all went to dinner afterwards. Then Laura and I came to my place so I could burn “Knuckle Down” from her. And we weren’t gonna go to the Beeker’s party cuz neither of us were feeling social, but then Jay called and asked if I was still going to Wally World, and I had promised I’d buy the food and stuff (just cake mix and soda) and, well, I can’t say no to Jay. And of course I couldn’t be like “Well, now, take me home!” So we went. And most of us hung out at Beeker’s while Jay and Matt cooked and baked upstairs.

This is about when Laura opened the bottle of..Jeiger? that she had just bought (We stopped at the liquor store after wally world). And I asked for a sip and it tasted wonderful, like licorice! But I was on my way out to go get John some cold medicine, cuz he was very feverish and looked/felt like crap. And, well. You know me. Always the caretaker! But then Beeker found some meds and I gave him that. And when I got back, somehow I ended up with a glass of Jeiger and ice tea. And it was yummy. Except for the occasional taste of rubbing alcohol! lol.

Being that I have a pretty low tolerance *and* I hadn’t skipped any doses of my meds (well, I hadn’t taken the zyprexa in a few days. If I had taken that recently I don’t think I would’ve drank. Cuz I hadn’t taken the wellburtin since morning, and I’ve had a drink or two while on it before and while it sometimes makes me feel like shit, this time it didn’t.) Anyhow. So. I was feeling it by the time we all went up to Jay’s. Oh, and we started watching Edward Scissorhands at Beeker’s. Ohmygosh I forgot how much I love that movie!

So. At Jay’s we’re all just hanging out and talking and watching Edward Scissorhands and eating cake and ice cream and I’m not sure how, but it was decided that beeker and Ken needed to renew their vows. (See, they’re married. But Beeker is also married to Jay. And I’m their illigitimate bastard child. Everyone else is in the family too, but I was one of the last to join the group, thus my place in the family. *grin* I don’t mind. Beeker’s married to several of the bois, but Ken’s her main man. She’s his wifey. *grin*) Anyhow. So. We arranged a wedding. The pictures speak for that.

I left shortly after the ceremony because I was a little less tipsy and didn’t want to drink more, and I was tired and wanted to curl up in bed before the alcohol started to wear off, cuz I was already feeling that floaty-icky-but-enjoyable feeling.

The walk home was beautiful. The sky was just right and the snow on the trees was perfect. And I was happy. Still!

And as I was laying in bed at like 3am trying to figure out why in gawd’s name I couldn’t fall completely asleep I realized that my last drink was something in pepsi. Vodka maybe? Or rum. I don’t think rum, cuz it didn’t taste yicky like rum usually tastes. And I know Wolfie suggested I have some vodka (he’s also the one who suggested I do a shot with him at the last party. I forget what that was, but it was potent and required sucking on a lime afterwards cuz it tasted pretty wild.) But beeker made my drink so I don’t know what was in it. But it was good and tasted just like regular pepsi. But I think my body just doesn’t process caffeine anymore. It didn’t used to make me sleepless or anything, but the last few times I’ve not been able to go to bed, I’ve realized that I had drank caffeine shortly before hand. Interesting.

Anyways. I need to submit some poetry for the poetry magazine and then I think I may curl up in front of the tv and watch Tomb Raider, which Beeker lent me. Yum. She also lent me something else…Music From ANother ROom?

Anyways. That was my night. 🙂

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i’m so having drinks tonight.

I’m gonna have to steal that paper idea.

*laughs* My, what a colorful life you lead! I feel so terribly boring. Ummm… his Prince Andrew? Huh?

…sounds like a fabulous time!!! (looks like one too!! lol)

February 5, 2005

that potent shot with the lime was tequilla.