birds of a feather

So. Therapy yesterday. uhm. lots (and lots) of tears. to say the least. but. i felt better afterwards. we did talk some, at least.

Met with L today for lunch, which was wonderful. She’s been having a bit of a rough time as of late. And she told me some stuff which she’s barely told ANYone else, so I felt rather honoured. And, it’s always good to catch up with her.

Spent much of the day working on finished up AJ’s anniversary gift, now that I’d finally gathered all of the pieces, and realized about 20 minutes ago that I have to work tonite. GRRR. So I’m gonna try to nap for about 2 hours. heh. we’ll see how well that goes. watched Dead Again while I was working on AJ’s stuff, and a few eps of The X-Files. Gah I love that show.


The baby killdeers. They moved their nest to across the street from the mailboxes at work, which I’m glad about, cuz they were in a dangerous place. I went and managed a picture of them the other morning, before they all got up and ran away. Rather quick they are! Plus, I thought the parents were gonna come peck my eyes out, so. I only got one good one.

To sleep, now. I hope. Blah. I also just realized that I’m prolly gonna be stuck with Sabrina, the Teenage Witch all nite. doublegrrrr.

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Took me a moment to figure out what I was looking at in that photo, but now that I have, I like it. =o)

July 13, 2006

that is soo cute!! happy anniversary to you both. xox

Baby, I know it’s not you. But it is somebody on my favs site, which narrows it down to 15-20 other possibilities. That said, are you AOL? I have a sleuth tracking my AOL visitors, since the perp is AOL. (but not you) It would help me to know if you are. I have several AOLers, but this one has a particular IP. Not the one that you possibly came in on, if that’s even you. *hugs*

July 18, 2006

*hello! hello? Anyone there??*

I nabbed the person. Thanks to my friend’s superhero secret code, I discovered something interesting… it’s a favorite, yes, and yet it’s not. The code revealed the diary name attached to the IP, and it turns out the diarist isn’t ACTUALLY on my FAVS LIST!!!! My Computer Whiz friend thinks it’s an OD glitch. Like, they are there, yet I just can’t see ’em because of some favs processing failure.

Either way, it makes sense now that i know who it is. This person created a diary just to access mine, a long long time ago, when I went private. Initially I denied her (if it’s really a her) but after a lot of begging, finally let her in because it was another diarist and IP I was avoiding back then, not somebody who claimed to just be a stranger who loved to read me. Eh, I’m too easy, I know.

At any rate, I must have thought I’d deleted the person many moons ago, yet they still had access priveleges is our guess. I have to sit on my hands (as in, not BLOCK the diarists diary author code) until the DM can check this out. Until then, I can’t and won’t write a damned word. I’m waiting to hear back from gottaflirt, who said they would give me the IP (yessss!) for comparisons sake. My guess

is that it’s one in the same… bazooka= stalker and impersonater. Sigh. Don’t say anything to her/him/it. Just watch. 🙂

Be sure to check out my entry tonight (7/19) “Some of My Little Friends.” It’s got some photos in it I think you might like. =o)

ryn: hmmm, I had to go look… it seems you are currently a 8+ hours drive away & IF we moved, you would be a 15+. BUT… This is the 2 year plan (if it even happens) so that gives you 2 whole years to come visit me here. THEN you can come visit me out there & we’ll all go to the Mall Of America & ride the rides in the amusement park. 😀 & get something to eat & go crazy people watching! 😀

ryn: Well you shouldn’t be able to do it NOW since I raised a big stink on a forum board and a moderator worked on getting the stuff removed, but basically, Google has spiders that crawl over all websites and take “pictures” of various entries, notes, profiles, etc. Once they take those shots, they stay published on Google for the world to see, if the world does an advanced search on your name.

For instance, when my name was pulled up, and I did an advanced search I happened upon diarists who had me on their favs list, yet when I went to that diary, their favs list didn’t show. It was just a breach in security, basically. Almost all of the OD cached shots have been removed, thanks to Moderator X.