Battered, bruised, and breaking -edit-

Oh my good lord. I am scratched and bruised and bloody and TIRED OF MOVING SHIT. Not to mention, I have about NO fingernails left. heh.

So. I am taking a break.

My bed (and mattresses) are here, at the new place. So, I semi-officially live HERE now. Tho, my cats and dragon are still at the other place, along with enough shit to probably fill a whole other house. UGH. But, I will deal with it tomorrow and friday and this weekend.

So, I’m sitting and watching Stargate SG-1 and playing with the Sony website, uploading some pictures and seeing if I can cash in on the free 100 4×6 prints without a credit card.

Whoa. Very weird! I was at M’s house earlier today and watched a bit of an episode of Stargate. And…it’s the same one I’m on in the DVD series!! Weird!

*edit 2*
LOL— best quote ever (tho it loses something without hearing the delivery, cuz T’ealc kicks ass)

O’Neil: So what’s your impression of Alar?
T’ealc: That he is concealing something.
O’Neil: Like what?
T’ealc: I am unsure, he is concealing it.

Also, I made this earlier for a MySpace friend who was having a crappy day. I’m rather fond of it. Perhaps I should start a greeting card company….

Log in to write a note

So glad you’re feeling like you’re at least partly at home! The postcard is sweet. You could definitely start a greeting card cmopany! I sell laminated poetry bookmarks that I created. It can happen! =)

RYN: No biggee with notes, I mostly am selfish and just write for myself. Notes are nice, but not really necessary. I’ll write anyway! =) I didn’t know the first thing about getting started selling my laminated bookmarks, but I got hooked up with a website: They let you basically buy a page on their site for $39.00 for a year. You can post 5 pictures and can receive payments through PayPal. They really walk you through it pretty easily and you can change it really easily. If you go to Google and type in “laminated poetry bookmarks” my website is the first one that will pop up (my business name is “Inspirations by Merri”). It will take you to the site and you can see how it’s laid out. It’s the cheapest and best run site I’ve come across.

I feel you on the fingernails. =o( Start making cards. Do it!!! RYN: You’re welcome. =oD

June 20, 2007

beautiful creation…

…that greeting is very sweet. 🙂

June 21, 2007

well you’re waaay ahead of me. i guess i have something to look forward to. argh

June 21, 2007

🙂 Hugs.

June 21, 2007

I HATE moving…sheesh. *hugs*

June 21, 2007


June 22, 2007

Daisy Cuteness!!!! Yowza!!! I lurves me some Stargate. *grin*

June 23, 2007

Did I say that? Maybe I said “should?”

June 24, 2007

*hugs* how is the move going?

June 24, 2007

SG-1…. I haven’t watched the last episode yet. I taped it. I knew there will be two movies, but it’s the end of an era. I’m going to miss the show. Sam will be on the next season of Atlantis. I get hooked on the show and they cancel. Same with Battlestar. What the shit is that? *HUG*