Baby pics

r Z and his bus. And his bink. lah…

H and the baby Caitlynn (CM)

Me and CM

Mum and CM

3 generations….

diaper chaaaaaaaaange! (She actually handles them well, for the most part)

close up!

me and her again

Although Z weighed only 6 oz more, there’s quite a difference, it seems, size-wise. Z was rolls and rolls, and this one is a skinny little peanut. I think she’s the same length, or perhaps only a quarter of an inch more or less, I forget.

She’s a sweet, sweet baby. Z appears to be adjusting fine. Mostly he just ignores her. heh.

heh. And, today’s AWAD quote: The soul is healed by being with children. -Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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how sweet. (I’m running away… baby pics do that to me everytime. I just want another one. then I get in my “right mind” & ummm… not. 🙂 But they’re soooo cute. 🙂

April 16, 2007

awwww soo sweet.

April 16, 2007

She’s so cute…thanks for the pics. She’s so little!

April 16, 2007

she’s beautiful 🙂 congrats Auntie! I love babies, especially when they are still in the initial shock phase and sleep all the time…. Z is so big.

I like all the photos, but the 3 generations one is very sweet.

April 17, 2007

How lovely and cute…thanks for sharing the pictures and the quote…how true it is… take care….

ryn: Awww, I’m sorry to hear that. Even though my relationship progressed rapidly, yours has had so much more time to mature and for the attachment to root. So yes, there’s a difference. *kiss*

RYN: It makes sense. But being the “creature” enthusiest that I am, I always like seeing what’s in the shadows or just around the corner. That said, I think they did overuse the aliens at the end. My main complaint was that they didn’t have an outline for the overall arc of the series, so that they kind of wrote themselves into a corner which didn’t allow for as satisfying a conclusion as there should have been. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you loved The Golden Compass. It’s a bit more difficult to get into The Subtle Knife, simply because it begins with a new main character and it feels as though you’re starting all over again. And I didn’t really occur to me until your note, but now that I think about it, I consider TGC as an excellent stand alone book, but TSK and The Amber Spyglass seem to be much more dependant on the series as a whole. I don’t think of them so much as individual pieces, but parts of one greater story, too large to be told in a single book. BE sure to let me know how it’s going as you continue through them. Btw, I LOVE Iorek. He’s one of my favorite characters ever. =o)

RYN: I can’t say anything for fear of ruining it. My only comment is that I found the final Coulter/Asriel resolution quite satisfying. =o)

yeah, find me. you can add me there, jon’s on there & lots of my friends from town, so it’s… y’know, totally local & on the up & up. but I trust you. 🙂 If you want, add me. Either way, check out my page. I totally made my own stuff today (background & whatnot. 🙂 I also made billy jewell’s page. he’s the local soon to be country music Star. 🙂 Yippee. …the voyeurism there is what

sucks me in. geesh. 🙂 but also I’m really enjoying making stuff & …well, I’m using editors so far but it’s helping me learn the lovely of .css. So. there’s the geek aspect too. lessee… here I am:

(sorry I made you blush. 🙂 i shoulda put a lil’ more warning there, maybe? 🙂