Awkward much?

I’m at AJ’s. We went shopping all day yesterday with her friend TJ and her friends’ (half?) sister, who reminds me so much of J’s daughter it freaked me out! lol. But she was a nice kid- 14 (maybe 15) looks like she could be our age. Tho, definately the attitude of a teenager 🙂 But not horribly so. She was fun. TJ was much, much fun as well. She’s AJ’s friend from college who lives in CO now, so they don’t see each other much. We might spend today with her too, which would be fun and fine by me, as she’s lovely.

So. AJ and I were downstairs looking thru her picture album and we hear the doorbell ring. Uhmmmm…okayyy. So she goes up and a few minutes later she calls down and is like “Echo? You wanna come up and meet Mike….”

Mike being the ex-boyfriend, who we really haven’t talked about. I’m not sure what her feelings are for him, I mean like, in so far as if they are still friends or if it ended poorly or whatnot. She didn’t sound especially thrilled when she was talking about him briefly last nite. Kind of like “yeaaah. Mike. Right. Well..” heh. So. I sat and talked with them for a few minutes, then decided to hide away in the office and check my email and such so that they could talk and catch up. I hope she doesn’t think I’m being rude. (lol. I don’t really care what he thinks!) But I think it is less awkward for all if I just sit in here. Well, less awkward for ME at least! ehehe. I do hope he doesn’t stay long tho. AJ’s brain is kind of already swimming today and I just want to keep her downstairs and help her figure some things out or at least be safe. Not to mention I would like to spend some alone-time with her!!! lol. Her gram will be home this afternoon. So. And I dunno when we’ll be able to see each other again after this week, since I’m prolly gonna go to H’s next week and skewl starts shortly afterwards. (EEEEK)

I have a headache and an earache. lol. AJ just came in and read a bit of this. hehe. Ah, the conundrum comes about….do I show or not show? I think I have more than enough “real life” people who read this. But. I’m not sure there’s anything here that I haven’t/won’t tell her anyways. But. It’s also good to have a place to rant where I don’t need to censor. Not that I need to rant and/or censor about her, but still. This is how I work so much shit out, and er…I’m not sure how she’d feel knowing that I sometimes talk at great length about her, or at least about us. More about us than about her. Still. lol. Whatever.

I s’pose if she wants to see, she can/will ask. 🙂 Oi. Need to go find some aleve.

So. I spent way too much money yesterday. UGH. I promised myself that I wouldn’t buy ANYthing. But. That flew out the window. I bought a rainbow necklace (admittedly, I’ve been looking for/wanting one for many, many months now…and it was cheaper to buy in a store than to buy online, which is the only place I could ever find any decent ones…) And I bought a rainbow triangle window cling for my car, cuz it just doesn’t scream DYKE enough yet. *grin* And an incense holder. All of that stuff tho was only $20ish or so, so that wasn’t bad. Actually 17something. Then we went to the outlets.

I got…hmm…I got 2 shirts at Gap (buy one get one free tho) and 2 Calvin & Hobbes books at Borders (but for a third of the regular price! eheh….) Hmmm. What else did I get….Maybe that’s all. Oh my gosh!!! We went in to the fudge shop, cuz as we passed the kid inside was like “Free Fudge!!!” so we went in and had a sample and he started trying to sell us on a deal. Which he eventually did. There were four of us. So, the deal was, buy 4 slices, get 4 free. PLUS get 4 free softdrinks. lol. So we did. *rolls eyes* But the fun thing was, he started singing and such. And then later the other kid who was working started singing, and they both sang this…fudge song. And it was just…fun. I mean, the kid was wheeling and dealing and p’raps hated his job, but they sang nicely and they were nice and cute. And so we bought a shitload of fudge. lol. I didn’t. TJ and AJ did. eheh.

Anyways. I should go be sociable now….

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Am I one of those ‘real life’ people? Cause I don’t see you often enough to warrant being in the RL category I don’t think. we’ve known each other for like umm.. comin up to 8 years now (yikes) and I’ve seen you a total of FOUR times!! Add those hours up and it’d come up to about a week’s worth of face-to-face time– if we’re lucky. *sigh* not fair! -bc

August 3, 2005

mmmmmm – fudge

August 3, 2005

your diary is cool w/b

August 3, 2005


August 4, 2005

heehee. I always feel motherly towards those poor teenaged summer workers.

August 4, 2005

thanx for writeing 1807 peace

How great! A fudge song;) That would make me laugh. It doesn’t take a lot usually, laugh or cry, but I think a fudge song would be the highlight of my day!

Mmmm fudge. I should send you my fudge recipe & you & AJ can make fudge the next time you get the craving. 🙂 We usually make it around xmas & then that’s about it as we make two sheet trays & eat it all in like 3 days & then spend the rest of the year going, “NO MORE FUDGE!!” 🙂 as it’s SO rich. But SO fabulously YUMMY it’s worth any tummyaches (you know, from eating nothing but fudge for days