Awakening Canadians.

Oh christmas. how i loathe thee. everyone trying to get their schedules to mesh, to get all done that needs to be done. blah.
people giving me presents and i have nothing to give unto them. *sigh* Tho the gifts make me feel good, cuz they’re simple and thoughtful, so there’s that at least.

Today I got a package in the mail from Mrs P. She’s so lovely. A canister of Peach Apricot Tea from the Bear River Tea Company- kewl tin. A box of like, what’s 8 x 12? 96 teabags? of various flavoured Ceylon Tea of Life teas….rainbow coloured. And on the side of the box, they have

“The meaning of tea is hidden in these lines of the famous song in the film Tea for Two in 1925:

Tea for two, and two for tea
Me for you, and you for me

A cup of Tea of Life will help us find each other”

It has a bit of a gltb theme to it, hehe. She also sent me two little…tea spoon holder things? I assume that’s what they are? Just little china dishes shaped like tea pots. They’re cute. And. Random…she has this thing with pot holders? Once she sent me some with apples and such and just some kitchen towels. This year there’s a towel and pot holder with…a rooster/checken on it? :o) Strange. But fun.

And a scarf! A really pretty one. Not sure if she made it or not, but it’s very much…her. hehe. Charcoal gray with beige and creame stripes at the bottom. Really lovely.

And yesterday I got a package from SB with a scarf- aqua grayish and things, ironically nearly the SAME material of a scarf M made for me years ago!. As well as a glass butterfly windchime, a fridge magnet thing that’s a pad of paper for lists and such, 2 big bottles of Healing Garden lavendertherapy lotion and bath gel. And some chocolates and some little butterflies.

Today I also got a card in the mail from my evieluv. Need to write to her.

And at AJ’s xmas party I won (chinese acution) a willow tree figurine and some gift certificates and a pottery vase (that I gave to AJ) and a random blue windbreaker jacket. Random.

And the other day I got the Render dvd in the mail that I had ordered with the gift certificate from Ladyslipper music that Carie had given me at the end of the semester.

And of course this morning my phone rings at 1045 and it’s J and I’m like “Oh shit. What time is it….” *SIGH* I’m such a fucking idiot. Bad enough I totally missed my appt on Monday, and then slept thru half of it this am. I wish I could just….UGH.

She lent me a book by Thich Nhat Hanh. Cuz I was staring at her bookshelf and noticed it among the others, and that it hadn’t ever been there before. *rolls eyes* The things that I notice. *sigh*

I should get a bath. With the lavendary/chamomile stuff aj got me last week — oh she also got me a lovely fleecy blanket with butterflies on it and some fun stickers….and Lumpy the heffalump….but anyways. I should go get a long hot bath and read this book and then go do my laundry and pick up animal food and such on my way home. blah.

Or I could go back to bed?


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