
My tiredness seems to be concerning Lucy, who will bark at me and paw my face if I stay in bed longer than she’d prefer.

Look who I caught resting together!

And later….

Cali’s a little slut, she gets around 😉

It’s difficult to tell because of perspective in this pic, but Caraway, the black cat, is so much smaller than Cali. She’s *almost* smaller than Lucy!.Lucy who is in my face making it impossible to type. Wee.

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May 27, 2013

Smaller than Lucy would be small for a cat. But not for a Beanie Baby. I can’t think of any pretext for working this line into my note, “Lucy you got some splainin to do.”

ryn: It would normally become italic, though I think you could type: *this* and get “*this*”