animal farm

I thought this town was safe.
I thought I didn’t have to lock my doors at nite. Usually I DO lock my door at nite, only to keep the cats in. Tonite I didn’t, tho, in case Bill and Josh got here early and needed to get in to move some furniture.
I’ll know better next time.
I heard a rustling first, and then the chimes on the door. I held my breath, thinking it was just the cats. But then I heard the cats. Nowhere near the door or the chimes.
Thankfully they look out for me. (Ok, one of them does. The other one ran under the bed first. Hrmph.)
I heard a cat scramble. I heard a screech. I got out of bed and started walking towards the light. Then I saw a shadow move out of the corner of my eye, and I backed up and put on my shoes. Just in case I needed to do some quick fleeing.
I thought to myself, “skunks don’t *screech*, do they?”
I swung at the air until I found the light cord.
No one was there.
that I could see.
But the cats were frantic, trying to get to the darkest corner.
I thought “Bears are too clumsy to hide in a mess like this. Rabid coons would stay and fight, not try to hide, right?”
So how bad could it be, right?
The cats were still pawing. I moved things slowly out of the way, piece by piece, wondering if venemous snakes knew how to climb stairs.
And then, I found it. Curled up under an extension cord. At first I was afraid it was dead, and then I was afraid the cat would try to eat it.
So I caught it.
I petted it.
I set it free.

And the little bugger pissed on me as it went away. :op

I caught him with a shower basket and a piece of cardboard. (oh, have I mentioned lately how much I fucking LOVE my camera?? This picture was taken *thru* the hole of the shower basket. How sweet is that?)

He got kinda hairy crawling around on my floor.

Hello little buddy. Don’t be scared, I’ll hold your hand.

I wore protective gear to pick him up. Poor thing, I could feel his heart fluttering, like a little mouse. I took him outside and sat with him for a while in my open palm, but he didn’t fly away til I started to scoot him off my hand on to the porch bench.

Oh, and I took my little to the river today. This is what I saw in the water:

I kept following it to get a better picture and then I guess it decided to intimidate me, cuz it turned around and stuck its head out of the water at me:

Not gonna lie- it worked, and I took it as a loud and clear signal to leave the thing alone. But I got a few nice pics of it at least.

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These are amazing photos. AMAZING! You need to find a contest to enter the one of the bat’s hand holding your finger. I love that shot. LOVE IT. (See? You’ve got me repeating myself!) What kind of snake was that? You have a gentle heart. I hope you realize that. It’s a thing to be treasured.

I swear I think that bat is smiling at you in the last photo.

*s* We had a bat… conservation group come to the library once. They had several different kinds of bats & the program was really very interesting. I never knew how SMART bats are. It gave me a whole new level of appreciation for them… Although that didn’t stop me from screaming like a big sissy all these years later when one perched on the quilt rack over my bed!!! 🙂

…I’m pretty sure this is the group that did the program…

RYN: Not when you use it as meaning “to make come-hither attempts to woo the dead, especially when looking to crack open a cold one and get you some.” =)

August 3, 2007

I love bats. Good story, too. Edge of my seat!

August 3, 2007

Wow. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a snake say, “What are YOU lookin’ at?” So are they going to pay you for shooting the episode of “Animal Kingdom” in your house? *grin*

August 3, 2007
August 6, 2007

i would have been screaming my head off, im talking screaming!!! sheesh…