And so it begins **edit**

Some people can wake up and start a new life. I need…more. Meaning…I dunno. I need something external. So. Here it is. Day 1 of my new job. Day 1 of a new life (or getting back to a good, healthy life). No more spending 18hrs (yes. Entire days.) in bed, day after day.

I got up this morning at 8 for therapy at 830, then went and had a muffin, a bagel and coffee at the cafe. Then off to the Dojo for MMA101- today was a Bas Rutten (boxing) workout followed by 5 Rounds of Fitness, which I loooooove. Cardio, cardio, cardio! Then I went and did 2 miles on the treadmill at the rec center. My goal is to lose weight- I’m back up to 145 ( I was down to 128)  so I’d like to get back to 130 at least.

Now instead of crawling in to bed, I’m sitting on the couch watching SVU. In a second I’m going to fold some laundry and then clean the cat pans. Wee. Not sure what I’m going to do after that. Gotta keep busy tho.

Gee, my life is so exciting. Ha. I also cashed my paycheck and then payed some bills. I even have money left over, wOoT.

I wish I had more to write. Maybe tonite after work I’ll have some interesting stories. I doubt it though, by all accounts nights are very quiet around that place. I’m still nervous. I just want to start and have my first night in so I have some idea what my duties will be!

Ah well. I suppose I should go fold the laundry.


Woohoo. I walked to the library (a whole block away, if even that far) and renewed my membership. Now I’m trying to figure out how to borrow books on my KindleFire.

Just thought I’d update with that exciting little tidbit of my life, lol.

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Yay! Did they have the movie? If not can they order it for you? xoxo,

April 2, 2013

I’m curious how Kindle-loaning works. I’ve heard of some libraries that loan out a Kindle with a collection of ebooks to avoid the technical and legal problems of putting an ebook temporarily on the patron’s Kindle. It sounds like your library is doing it right.