and another

Tiny Rectangles

I wish I had a camera
to capture the symmetry
of chunky chairs and
Bob Barker shoes lined along
the wall like soldiers.

I’ve never had to measure the scoops-
bitter coffee stays on my tongue.
I failed but am unsure as to how.
Did I use too many or not enough?
Still I drink it, heavy on sugar.

Column by column the page fills with S’s,
Listening to snores, flatulance, sleeptalk.
Each time the heat kicks on,
thunderously loud in this less-than-
large space, my startle reflex kicks in.

Peeper frogs chirp at each other
outside the barred windows,
stopping and starting for reasons
unknown, occasionally drowned
out by the hum of the drinking fountain.

It’s a weird sort of isolation,
surrounded by ten sleeping
people, peering in every 12 minutes
to be sure they haven’t escaped
through tiny rectangles in the wall.

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I could see you jump a little. Every time. *smiles*

😀 You are welcome. Explore the cd’s. I figured I’d let you sort & toss. If *I* did you’d have never gotten them. They’re a conglomeration of two sets of dl’s from a friend (which winds up being hodge podge of bestsellers/classics/random) plus some of my own stuff. I think there are several sets of The Hunger Games in there & one doesn’t work? But it was mine so I never knew which (didn’t work on

H’s Nook). So you’ll just have to experiment & …stuff. (I wasn’t successful in getting it unlocked in other words). But I think there are multiple copies of the Hunger Games. Umm, & a mix of ALL SORTS of other stuff. From politics to Harlequin to some gooey erotica. 🙂 But also a GOOD DEAL of GOOD books. I figured I’d let you put the library onto your computer & sort out your own trash. 🙂

Not to mention, “every library… something to offend”. I’m not gonna judge if you keep some of the gooey erotica. 😉 LOL I did, obviously. *laughs* Actually. I never tossed any of it obviously. I was too busy picking out what I *wanted* to read, haven’t gotten around to tossing the “I’ll never read this” stuff. 🙂 I’m glad the app thing worked!