Am I really surprised by this??

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Managed to close my hand in a door last nite and apparently broke quite a few blood vessels, as it’s dark red in the middle of a probably 2x2inch square of purpleblue. And it hurts. Fun. Must convince therapistlady that it’s not self inflicted *grin* It truely wasn’t and it’s kind of ironic that for all of the times I’ve punched things etc on purpose, I never got such a bruise.

My supervisor had me fill out an accident/indicent report. One of the questions is “What did you do or what are your suggestions for preventing this sort of injury in the future?” I really wanted to put “Never clean the RTF bathrooms again!” cuz that’s when/how it happened. (See, their doors don’t swing shut slowly like the doors on the inpatient units. Actually, the inpatient unit doors don’t really swing shut at all, they’re just regular doorlike things that stay however you leave them, half open or whatever….but the RTF doors all close on their own. Some, apparently, much swifter than others. *sigh* I felt like an idiot writing out the “Explain, in detail, how the injury occured” part. I slammed my hand in the door while emptying the garbage…. eheh.

The swelling went down when I put ice on it and it was numb for a while. Now it’s not swelled much and no longer numb, and I was thinking it only hurt when I touch it, but apparently it hurts when I type too. Not good….I hope none of those little bones are broken. I would know if I broke something, I think? But not necessarily if I just fractured it, especially if it were just a hairline fracture. Eep.

For some reason my foyer smells really bad of cat urine. *glares at the cats* They BETTER NOT have peed down there. I’m hoping it was just from the catpan, which tends to not smell at all and then overnite start to reek. Anyways. I cleaned it as soon as I put away the groceries and I opened the windows and I had actually just bought a refill, so I put a new spraything in the air freshener hickeymadoo.

*sigh* I spent too much money at wallyworld. I bought a pillow, albeit a cheap one (well, mid-priced anyway, 6 bucks. Why the fuck do pillows cost 12 dollars??? Geesus.) But, well. My old pillow…eheh. My…in H’s words…that thing you call a pillow…is pretty much nothing more than 2 pieces of material wrapped around a flat piece of small cotton. And I found when I slept at the cabin M was staying at, that the pillow I had there was nice and supporty and stuff, and I slept really well. I was, of course, exhausted from physical exertion, but still. That’s not always enough to get me to sleep. I dunno. I guess we’ll see.

Doubleugh. I need to lose weight. No, I’m not fat. Overweight, yes. At least, according to all of the height-bodybuild charts. But not really by much. Or at least, usually not by much. But in the time frame that I took the zyprexa every day, I managed to gain upwards of 8 pounds. Not that this is a huge amount of weight. But previously, I had been the same weight since high school, give or take 3 pounds. And any excess weight I did put on, disappeared pretty quickly.

But. With the combination of the zyprexa (which increases my appetite, alot, and the fact that I didn’t have class on main campus and therefore wasn’t walking to school every day this last semester, I apparently was unable to maintain my status quo. And the jeans that had previously been so big I had to wear a belt just to keep them up suddenly became a smidge snug. So. Somehow I’m going to have to convince myself to start like…exercising or something. YUCK. eheh. I’m not one for exercise. Unless it’s swimming. So. I need to see when the university’s pool is open for public use. Hrm. And it occurs to me that I may need to buy a bathing suit, which would suck since A. I like my current one B. I’ve had my current one since about 1996 or 98 C. I need to buy actual sport bathing suits, not just the cutesy little ones from wallyworld, unless I want my chest popping out all over the place. (side note: must seriously consider boob reduction. seriously. i hate them (the breasts, not the reduction) and they’re bothersome and useless and get in the way and make my back hurt. Not birthing a baby. Not breast feeding a baby. Not necessary to lug around these stupid bags of cellulite/lymph nodes/mammary glands which I only ever hide underneath as many layers of clothing as possible anyways, apparently….))

Uh. Anyways. Yeah. So. Need a real bathing suit which cost a lot of moolah. So hopefully I still fit in the old one. hehe. I guess the bonus is that people are more likely to notice the stomach/gut sticking way out than to notice all the scars on my arm/shoulder/legs.

I think I would be able to do a stationary bike too. Or ride my real bike, if it were ever SUNNY for more than 2 consecutive days. Except the bonus with stationary is that I can ride til I am tired and then go home. On a real bike, I may ride til I’m tired. But then I still have to ride home. eheh.

Ugh. I so desperately need to get the animal cage situation sorted out. E is out of town, else I’d try to see if he could give me ideas on how to make a suitable lid for the big tank, since actual lids would cost $80 to buy. And that’s just not happening! I already have the screen, so I suppose I just need to make a wooden frame. So I guess I don’t need E, I just need to go buy a few pieces of wood. It’s just that he would probably have good ideas/suggestions as to how to actually make a secure type lid, instead of a shoddily-built, ill-fitting frame lid. M said she’d let me in to the shop, if I promised to not cut off any digits. hehe. It’s ironic that I was a tech theatre minor, yet I don’t recall ever really using the shop tools? I think perhaps one of my first classes we did get lessons on how to use them. Not sure. But. I know how to use many of them anyways, and the only one’s I’d need to use would be the circular saw and/or jigsaw. And being that the summer theatre season is about to get underway, there’re probably bound to be tool-savvy peeps loitering about anyways. Dunno.

Very tired. And COLD, dammit. BE WARM ALREADY. geeeeesum.

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May 29, 2005

I’m sure that you wanted to know that in a study of the efectiveness of exercise on depression, the abstract of which I glanced at this morn, 52% improved and became nonsymptomatic when exercising. I suspect a good number of the remainder didn’t continue exercising. Biking, walking, etc. are good for the body and soul. :.) Hugs, J

Ouch. Sounds really painful. =o( Once, while in HS, I broke (really pinched) off the tip of my mom’s finger when she was cleaning a door. I didn’t now she was there and I bumped it going by and the door just caught it right there between the frame. Lots of blood and a trip the the ER followed. You should post a photo of your bruise. I always try to document it whenever I have a good one. =o)