Almost caught up??? (edit)

Well, in order to procrastinate cleaning, I just faced my bills.

I’m almost caught up. One credit card is so far behind I can’t even look at it. Need to pay my cellphone bill still, and rent. Which I’ll do with next week’s paycheck (pleasegawdletitbeenough). And. Well, car payment and a loan payment aren’t due til end of the month, but I’m not sure how I’ll handle those. heh. Oh! I’m babysitting all day for Beanie and K on Saturday. 7 hours at least, so that should be a good chunk. And I got my $126 refund back from H&R Block (but I had planned to use that to go shopping. For like, toilet paper and dish soap and a new toothbrush and that kind of stuff. :op )

Maybe next month I’ll be honestly caught up and can start chipping away at the mastercard debt??? *sigh* And think about getting the head gasket fixed on my car.

Oh wait, no. Next month I won’t be able to get ahead. But I might be able to STAY caught up…..lah….

I’m so very addicted to The Sims. I mean, I’ve had the game since…since M and E gave me Electra. So, years. And I’ve played it here and there, but never got as hooked and never enjoyed it as much as everyone else seemed to.

But THEN I figured out some key things and now…there’s no lookin’ back. Jo and Savannah are doing quite well. For now they’re just roomates, but they *do* like each other enough to hug and kiss. So. 🙂

Oh well. Back to cleaning. The lady from Big Brothers Big Sisters comes on Fridaaaaaaaaaay. eeek.

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I’ve wanted to play The Sims, but never let myself because I figured I’d be hopelessly addicted. 🙂

June 7, 2006

Sims is a good game 🙂 Takes FOREVER in Sims 1 to hook people up, though. But Sims 2, it’s almost too easy. Lacks challenge, and challenge is why a person ought to play games. *grin* dunno if it’s true, but seems like some Sims have preferences one way or the other. I had one woman I couldn’t get to even TALK to boys, but had like 12 girlfriends. hehehe

Maybe I should start playing The Sims to pick up tips on how to hook up. How pathetic is that?

Murder mystery progress: Thought maybe you could be Lisa Baums. You’re welcome to invent your own hobbies and quirks, it’s all good. Don’t know if you speak Spanish either (doesn’t really matter). 🙂