
head going to explode from all the good kind gift giving friends!!!!

First the OD guest subscription (thank you thank you THANK YOU again) and then today I go down to my mailbox and find a package. From Amazon.com. I’m thinking, oh, the neighbors’ mail must’ve gotten put in my box, since their package holder thing is broken (I guess it’s a paper holder, but my mailman uses it as a package holder, heh.)

But, no….it’s addressed to ME. !!!!!!!

Then I remember….a little while back, Erica said to watch the mail. I was expecting (well, before I forgot that she said it…) a card or something.

But NO!!!

DVD’s. And CD’s!!!!!

Season 5 of X-Files (omgomgomg!!) and the Grey’s Anatomy soundtracks, vol 1 and 2. Too much!!!!!!

I immediately put in the one of the cd’s and listened to it on my way to pick up my Little.

And the DVDs…..as MUCH as I want to sit and watch them allllll day tomorrow, I shall not. I will take them to my new place and put them in a prominant place. They will be my “all your shit is moved out of your old place, NOW you can relax a tad!” gift. 🙂 🙂 🙂

Oh geez. I just wacked Pywacket on the nose. ooops. I thought it was an ant. Apparently it was her whiskers.

I just went out back to take pics of m’s garden (jungle! I love it!!) but there was a dead bird in the fountain and it smelled and was sad and kind of disgusting. So I came back in to clean some more.

My back hurts for some reason. It might be from yoga yesterday, but we didn’t do any poses we haven’t done, I don’t think….and I had thought I pulled my hip out of whack, but it’s ok today. Odd.

Ok. Back to cleaning. Or tidying, rather.

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June 7, 2007

Yay! Unexpected giftees!!

June 7, 2007

RYN: Oh yeah, that quote is from Streetcar. We read it in Sophmore English and it’s one of my favorite plays. We also watched the play and it was AWESOME.

I love unexpected gifts in the mail. Your cat’s name is Pywacket? That reminds me of a movie… what was it called… there was a witch, and a guy, and a candle. Oh… it was Bell, Book and Candle. It was a great movie.

What an awesome gift! =o)