aggress much?

getting ready to go back to mum’s. For a whole week this time. lah. Worked last nite and would like to sleep for a little bit, as I’m exhausted.

Work last nite wasn’t bad. However, evening shift….Pam got punched in the face and beat in the head. Went to the ER- she has a concussion. Colby got really bruised by a chair, he went to the ER too. It’s fucking ridiculous that this even happened, given that this SAME patient attacked another staff a few weeks ago, punched her in the face too….all of these were unprovoked, they say. Now, the other staff, I can see her getting wacked- she tends to be rather abrasive. But Pam generally is really good with the patients. And Colby is like the sweetest boy ever. (Well, and he got hit with a chair cuz the patient eloped off of the unit and Colby and another staff followed him and when he got to the cafeteria he started throwing chairs, unpotted a plant, threw the napkin holders, etc. )

And not only the incident a few weeks ago, but the patient has a HISTORY of this at other facilities. Yet we keep him. It’s NOT like we’re doing him any good therapeutically. He doesn’t go to groups or do anything constructive anyways. So why the fuck is he still at our facility???? Prolly cuz insurance will pay for the bed.

And then, get this…his mother calls, concerned that our staff are going to press charges. (Sharon did, a few weeks ago when she got punched) She insists he’s a sweet, loving boy and can’t control himself. I don’t know about that. But I am pretty damn sure that staff will be pressing charges.

Gah. I hate the people I work for. Such money grubbers. But. Dr F is at least being sensical. He’s turned down several in the past few nites and last nite he told me when I called with a patient who met criteria that he didn’t want to admit any new ones until the current ones calmed down a bit. (We’ve got several who are just as bad as the one who’s attacking people, in their own ways). Two severely MR patients, even tho we got a memo saying we weren’t accepting severely MR patients. But the one is there because the people trying to place him talked to the CEO and he allowed it. I think that’s fucking hilarious, since the kid’s prolly done more damage than his insurance is paying us to keep him- already ripped a toilet and a sink out of the wall. And another severely MR patient who hoardes everything. We’re NOT doing those two any good, I can assure you that. We’re just babysitting them. It’s disgusting.

Anyways. I need to get ready to leave.

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August 13, 2006

Wow where do you work? Sounds like an interesting place.

August 13, 2006

Be safe traveling and BREATH a lot!

August 13, 2006

*hugs* will be thinking about you

August 14, 2006

yikes…that stinks. seems like they could find a better match for him.