Against the wind

Day 1: oh my furking gawd.

It wouldn’t be so bad if:

-it wasn’t during the bloody day
-i didn’t have to deal with so many staff people
-i didn’t have to rely on other people to do their work in order for me to complete MY work
-people didn’t keep asking me how school was going


But. Day one is over. Only….13 more to go…..

Luckily, JP helps Grace (and therefore Me) out on MWR, so I’m not starting off totally behind and in over my head. Lah. But I AM exhausted. And I DO need to do laundry. UGH. But, I’ll do it…tomorrow. eheh. I still have a few outfits I can pull off before being completely out of clothes. I’m just so frigging tired, cuz I only got about 2 or 3 hours of sleep last nite. So of course I woke late and didn’t have time for a shower. I think I’ll clean a bit and take a shower and then go to bed and try to catch up on sleep.

Oi. My throat hurts from talking.

And the access code Gracie gave me for her voicemail doesn’t seem to be working. Great. *sigh*

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I’ve been having trouble with access codes too. But that was at when I was trying to see the full version of the Super Bowl commercial. Sigh. =o(

…ugh… dealing with people & having to talk and… ((((((hugs))))))

You were a bit hard on yourself in the last note. It’s not always going to be easy in therapy, especially when you are exhausted. Be kind towards yourself. Be reasonable. In addition, cymbalta isn’t going to prevent life stressors or stop you from responding to them (I’d be unhappy if it did), it may give you the resources for you to slow things down enough that you can respond better. Hugs, J

February 9, 2006

I can’t leave a note on your next entry, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I’m sending some happy thoughts and good vibes your way. I’m sorry you’re hurting so bad.