A Sonnet and such

Lah lah. More poetry assignments. I wrote them on breaks while studying for nsg process. wee. The assignment, this time, was to write 2 sonnets- 1 had to be traditional – either shakespearian or spenserian, the other could be contemporary. We also had to write a syllabic piece, wherein each line (minimum of 10 lines) had to be a certain number of syllables, with only a variance of two syllables.

I chose a Shakespearian format (ababcdcdefefgg rhyme scheme) and he wanted it as close to iambic pentameter as possible. Wee. (I haven’t done the second contemporary sonnet yet…)

(currently untitled)
Her soul caught mine in seven minutes time
while we stood discussing sunlight, God and
galaxies. Why she stays in my mind I’m
not sure…she sees worlds in a grain of sand.
Two bronze-brown plaits, deep ebony eyes,
smooth skin, black but light, like cafe-au-lait.
Twelve years – almost too young to look so wise,
now locked in here, barely given a say.
Dozens of empty shells wander these halls,
hiding the cuts they’ve carved in their skin,
fighting off voices and punching the walls,
searching for peace to once again begin.

My one hope is that she escapes in time,
before her soul falls for the pantomime.


Mr Brown Can Poo, Can You?

On Thursday while wandering around the zoo,
I desperately needed to use the loo.
Ten people or more already in the que!
Oh dear, whatever was I going to do?
Well, I crossed my legs and waited for a few,
and the Pee-Pee Dance I certainly did, too!
Kneeling on the ground as if it were a pew,
I wondered, did anybody have a clue
about the grandest fit that I almost threw
while clenching my teeth and hearing cows go “moo”?

Admittedly not my best work. But my mind is otherwise occupied this week. lah.

And now, bed, so that I may arise and study some more. *whines* I have 21 pages. That’s 21 diseases that I have to know. And I still have all of the lower GI ones to do. *whines some more*

Log in to write a note

hm.. that second one was just getting good and then it went somewhere else. a mention of a cow and ‘moo’ isn’t going to sway me. 🙂 -bc

I really really liked the first one and the second one was hilarious lol