A fairing we will go

The fair was lovely. The weather- perfect. Save for about 5 minutes of torrential downpour, the rest was either overcast or sunny, and warm but not roasting. 🙂 There was some tensity at the end, and AJ and I had a….mildly long discussion. I’m guessing hoping that we’re ok now, but we’ve been playing phone tag since we got back, so. SOOOOO annoying!! Not that either of us can help it. *sigh* Makes me wish I was just back on night shift. lah. She’s coming down this weekend tho, to go to a party (a gay party! wee!!!), so that will be lovely. Two weekends in a row, we’ll get spoiled! heh.

Bought DB a bracelet at the fair….it was one of those 3for $9 deals, and AJ and I both found ones we liked, but nothing we loved spectacularly enough to get another, so I searched for an orange one for DB and hit gold…..found an orange AND pink one! Wih a dreamcatcher in the center, no less! I just gave it to her and her response was “That’s amazing!!!” *smiles* I do good sometimes. I didn’t manage to find anything for RB tho, oops. Which I feel kind of bad when I get something for one and not the other. But. *shrugs* The bracelets just said “DB!!!” to me.

Of course then I felt doubly bad cuz when I got here (I’m at M’s), the other babysitter pulled me down on the stairs before I got to RB’s room where they were all reading and she was like “RB’s fish is dead, but we just noticed it and haven’t told him!” eheh. *sigh*

So, after I got him to bed and asleep, I took the fishtank to the bathroom with the intentions of flushing the fish. But. It’s still alive. Sort of. :o/ Floating sideways. But breathing and swimming. And. I couldn’t bring myself to flush it. *sigh* I know it’s prolly gonna be dead by morning, but. I just couldn’t. It’s still alive.

My sister had angelfish once. They got ich and all died except one- Bulgarian. He was mostly dead…floating on his side, all of his fins rotted off. The research said that even if he lived, his fins would never grow back to be as beautiful as they were (he was huge, one of the most beautiful marble angel fish I’ve ever seen, black and white. Gorgeous. Well. She couldn’t bare to flush him, even tho he was side up and gasping at breaths.

And that damn fish. It survived. And grew all his fins back to boot.

So. I can’t flush currently-live things down the commode. Cuz I know that all drains do not, in fact, lead to the ocean.

Speaking of fish. I won several at the fair. Three. I named them. namoli (after a singer I’m currently obsessed with), Grotto (after Grotto’s pizza, the best pizza at the fair. The best pizza ever) and Potato Pancake. Well, I got a new tank for them. (New to me, at least. Yay for Freecycle!) and once I got them all settled in and was watching them swim around in un-clouded water, with light sparkling into the tank….I noticed that Grotto seems to have a pretty bad case of ich. :/ So I put him back in the old tank. The other two have maybe-spots, but I’m not sure yet. I’ll be peeved if they die, cuz I realized how much I miss watching fish. I miss Cordova. And I love to sit and watch J’s fish when I’m at her office. lah.

Part of the Discussion between AJ and I had to do with pets. A turtle, to be exact. They had one at the fair. Ten dollars. Just barely legal size (if even) and SOOOO adorable. Less expensive than my last turtle was. (:o( I miss Mobius. *sigh* I had him for more than 5 years.) And just. As cute as can be. And I was going to get him and AJ got all upset and stuff and I ended up not getting him, even tho I wanted (still want) him. I’m trying to not be angry about it. blah.

Therapy this week….eh.

(doh. M came home, so the stuff before this is from last nite.)

Therapy this week….as J put it, my barbs were out. *sigh* Didn’t mean to be. But it was that or nothing, it seems.

Just got home from work. Grotto’s dead :o( But namoli and PP are ok, tho definately showing signs of ich. I’ll have to see if I can find the meds. lah.

What can I say. I’m an animal person. Will always be an animal person. Will always want “pets” like frogs and turtles and lizards and snakes and fish.

Allies mtg tonite. Wee. It’s pouring down rain. Which I don’t mind. Am just exhausted tho. I work tomorrow nite, then going to a party on Saturday nite. Then another week or work ahead. Ugh.

My apt is a mess. Need to go clean.

Finished reading Angels & Demons by dan brown (the guy who wrote The DaVinci Code)….Loved this book!!! Now I’m reading Roots. By Alex Haley. It’s really good so far.

Things to do, things to do….

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September 28, 2006

missed you… *~

September 28, 2006

*runs and knocks you down in a BIG HUG*…. sigh.