
First day not bad.

But I have a headache to beat all headaches.

Way too many “that’s so gay” “he’s so gay” “that’s retarded” comments today. The kids aren’t as intimidating as I was afraid they’d be. Some of the teachers seem super great and others…not so much.

Went and hung out with Em for about 20 minutes before she went back to the big city. We sat in her car and talked and tried not to cry.

But as soon as I got out I started bawling.

For the people who leave and never come back.

I hope she’s not one of them. Or at least, that we stay in touch thru the years.

I miss AJ something fierce.

Talked to mum today. She’s doing better, bit by bit I guess. Miss her too.

Had a horrible dream last nite with my mum, my sister, J, her kid, lots of Issues. I didn’t write it down on purpose cuz I don’t want to remember it.

Shit my head hurts. I feel like I’m getting sick. No time for that.

And my friend, barely 21, grieves the death of her mother who would’ve turned 61 a few days ago. What do you fall back on when you believe there is no such thing as God?


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ryn: Aww, you’re such a sweetie. 🙂

“What do you fall back on when you believe there is no such thing as God? Sleep.” …exactly… (((((fierce forever hugs))))))

August 28, 2006

xoxo *~

August 29, 2006

*hugs* love you.