
it’s great to randomly be awake at 330 in the morning. i picked up my phone and it said i had a new txt from aj, it also said, i thought, that it was 1028. So I txt’d her back. Not realizing that it was 3am, and 1030 is just apparently when she SENT the message. *sigh*

but it was nice to talk to her at least. even tho her phone is all crackly when she’s downstairs. lah. stupid phones.

pandora was also on the bed all curled up to my side. p’raps she sleeps with me more than i realize. or p’raps that’s what woke me up at random.

my stomach hurts/burns. lah. i ate real food today. and chicken. my stomach revolts, now. *sigh*

just wanna go back to sleep.

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August 27, 2005

I always enjoy realizing my cats sleep on my bed with me me when I wake up in the middle of the night and they’re curled into the comforter, same as me. It makes me feel loved and for some reason, that’s kind of sad. I hope sleep comes back to you.

August 27, 2005

have a nice weekend!