
od’s back to FOD.
electricity being shut off on the 5th.
rent’s not paid for this month. or last perhaps.
headache from no meds is gone, tho the dizziness and vertigo certainly is not. I tried to wean myself from the samples….they were 75mg and i cut back to 1 a day instead of 2 a day 2 weeks ago, and then last week just one every other day. but it hasn’t helped much.
found out today that the job i thought i had, i do not have. which. is funny cuz. i didn’t know i had it, and i told myself and everyone else as such- that my having it was just heresay. so i shouldn’t’ve been so upset when i got the msg that i officially didn’t have it. tell that to the tears that sprang to my eyes. fuck.
how the hell does hope disappear when there wasn’t even hope to begin with?????????????????????????
tried to call ppl on my way home. no one answered.
rarely does anyone answer.
but do i answer? yes.
i know, i know i’m being a whiny little fucking brat right now. but this is MINE. you don’t like it, go read someone else’s basket full of cheer and happiness.

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Sorry you’re going through a rough patch. This life is definitely not for the faint of heart. Damn.

May 29, 2007

It sounds like a good time to whine.

May 29, 2007

we are listening…

May 29, 2007

*hugs* i love you.

If there’s a basket full of cheer and happiness ANYWHERE here at OD, I’d like you to show it to me. =oP RYN: And NO! I was not making fun. I think you do have very nice legs. =o)

*hugs* I’m so sorry, I hope things start looking up really soon for you. That’s a lot to have to deal with all at once. 🙁