40 minutes

So, essentially what it boils down to is, I’m being paid so many dollars an hr to sit on my butt for 7 hrs and 20 minutes and work for 40. Seriously. All my night consisted of was reading and doing headchecks every 12 minutes. Boring? Yep. Can I handle it? You betcha. Tonite might be a tad different, as last nite I was on I-ORT and tonite I’m on a secure unit. I’m still gonna make sure my Kindle is charged 🙂

Man, what an excellent investment that’s turning out to be. It’s so nice to have 3 or 4 books at my fingertips wherever I go.

My goal was to come home this morning and go running but I ended up having some intestinal issues, so i went to bed instead. I’m gonna try to sleep another hour or two, then get up and go. Not sure what I’ll do with the rest of my day. Perhaps explore the kindle library loan situation a bit better. So far I have *not* found the one book I wanted, and it’s pretty popular, so I’m skeptical about the range/selection I will have. Oh well. It only cost $3 for a library card. I think I can handle it.

The schedule is up for next week– I am on it for 4 days, wOoT! (I’m part time so that feasibly means some weeks I won’t be on it at all. So having 4 nites- the max I can be on it- is a wonderful thing.

On my way home I was reminded of another reason I love night shift– getting to see the sun rise 🙂

I do have to say- thank gawd I drink coffee this time around (last time I worked night shift, I didn’t drink coffee), especially since I don’t drink pop any more. Not sure what I’d do for caffeine!

As I was doing head checks last nite, the thought popped in to my head that there’s a lot of poetry to be found in this experience. So maybe tonite I’ll take a notebook with me, too.

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April 3, 2013

Working where the sun doesn’t shine… I hope your innards feel better. Libraries are the best deal ever.

What book are you looking for?

Also libraries and popular ebooks= tough. Depending on the publisher they might not even be selling it. I’m sure you’ve heard me rant this rant before? But seriously? What book? 🙂 Message me.

Also: trip. My summer schedule is slowly shaping up with the girls travel ball info and the one week my other friend will be having her MI reception, etc. So I’m scratching and sketching at dates. And such. Maybe August, possibly September is what I’m looking at actually…

Which feels … too long. Maybe August. I’m okay. Not great. Definitely dark. But I’ve been worse. I have my own intestinal woes or I’d be running this out. I’m close to just running it out anyway. 🙂 Just Because. Another few days and that’s where I’ll be. Running it out.

((Hugs)) & thank you. And love you too.