
I should be cleaning.
I am not. oops.
I have…well, if I add up all the half rooms that I’ve done, it equals….1.
I might end up pulling an all-nighter so AJ can walk in without dying of cat allergy asphyxiation tomorrow. lah.
Therapy was pretty crappy today.
I currently have $80 in my bank. At first I thought that was awesome, cuz I thought it meant I could buy food. And gas.
But then I realized that two huge checks haven’t cleared yet. Not to mention the fact that I haven’t paid my rent this month. Or renewed my driver’s license. Or renewed my health insurance. Or renewed my AAA service.
I do have enough food to last me a few weeks. Granted, it consists of oatmeal, ramen noodles, and a few packs of easy mac. Oh, actually I also have a jar of spaghetti sauce and a package of spaghetti. So. And I think I am staying at M’s next week to watch the kids, so that extends my rations even farther. WoOt. *sigh*
namoli brennet concert tomorrow nite. That should be fun. And yoga. J and I breathed a bit today, but I wasn’t doing very good at it and ended up getting frustrated with myself. wee.
I’m worried that there will be like, no one there for the concert tomorrow. Which will totally suck. Ugh. Oh well.
My toilet is being cranky again and not wanting to actually flush properly. It just kinda swirls around, then fills up almost to overflowing and then takes 20 minutes to drain.
And the shower is leaking again.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother.
Back to cleaning.

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March 6, 2007

I can so relate to the oatmeal, Mac & cheese in the cabinets. But I can’t bring myself to eat mechanicly pulled meat

March 6, 2007

i’m sorry hon. you sound so miserable…i wish i could help somehow. (i keep saying that and i feel like a helpless broken record. please tell me if it’s worse than saying nothing…) xoxoox *~

March 6, 2007

Mechanicaly pulled meat=hot dogs, that’s what it said on a package that my bf was trying to make me buy.