
So. My supervisor just informed me that kindles are now banned from work. WTF!! Apparently someone on nite shift lost theirs and told administration, who until then was unaware they’d been in use. So no more kindle. This is going to make my job suck. 🙁 it was so convenient, to have as many books at my disposal as I could want. Not to mention the apps like card games and crosswords. Uggghhhhhhhh.
I’m not sure what the big deal is….you can’t take pictures with them, and the internet’s secure so you can’t get on it. I’m betting it’s the games apps and stuff? I dunno. I’m pretty bummed about it tho. I mean, I have plenty of unread books at home, but having them all at my disposal at once was so nice. *sigh* all good goes away in the end, I suppose. Oi…first world problems, much….

Otherwise, not much going on in life. I’ve been running a few times since last I wrote, and have been making a point to spend a few hrs out of bed everyday, even if it’s just to lay in the sun. Here’s Lucy and I enjoying my new lounge chair….

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June 21, 2013

are you allowed to have books? what if you brought a deck of cards and played solitaire? are the rules written down anywhere? i am always full of questions. i used to have a neighbor with a little black and white puppy named lucy. that lucy was a great dane. when the neighbor moved, lucy was about four and a half feet tall at the ears and weighed 80 or 100 pounds. i can only imagine now.

Ugh! Also I’m with Deve. A book is a book is a book… just saying. It’s true. Though I would hate to cause a stink and not be able to read at all, it’s ridiculous.

June 21, 2013

totally dumb rule. lamesauce. *~

June 22, 2013

They banned ’em at my job too. No cell phones, either… they think they’ll be a distraction and we’ll miss radio traffic or something. Yet, we can read on the internet? Makes perfect sense.