
Copy the following survey in your diary. You can use one or more of your favorite diarists and use a brief description of why you chose them.

Since it’s my turn, I’m going to alter the rules. My favorites are my favorites for a reason, and I’m going to have more than one of some of them =)

[previous paragraph was the person i snitched this from, not me. But i agree.]

The diarist who I admire for their:

Strength: I think alot of the times I’m drawn to diarists *because* of their strength, so there are quite a few. To Read Others, Sleeping Butterfly, C Kismet, Tiger would prolly top the list.

Beauty: I’ve not seen all of them! CK tops the list (for a while I thought she couldn’t be real, that she was just posting pics of some random model, but then I saw pics of her kid, who is a spittin’ image, so. and. well. All I’m gonna say is a certain picture involving camels was the definitive ‘proof’ that she was real ;o). *ducks and runs*). As well as WOMH and Tiger.

Personality: Well. Duh…why else would I read someone if I didn’t like their personality?

Intellect: hmm…Caffeine Queen, definately. I’m not sure I’ve known anyone who reads as much as she does! And also prolly Me Explorer for her whitters that often go soaring way above my head, and Simple Mind cuz he’s so damn witty.

Humor: Firebabe! Simple Mind, Sky Blue Pink, princess of doom

Talent: Everyone’s talented in various ways! (Well, actually, looking at my list, ALL are *really* talented at vartious particular things. fun…)

Support: Tiger. SB and ryujin and womh

Writing Style: Again, I wouldn’t read them if I didn’t like their writing styles.

The diarist I would most like to:

Share a meal with: Most of them 🙂 I’ve already shared with a few.

A night on the town: hmm. womh. i think life would always be an adventure with her around ;o) and redmoonrising too. And Dorkus Aloneus cuz I think we’d have fun oogling at girls for some reason. lol. Not that I really oogle. Not to mention the fact that my girl (lol, that seems so…posessive…i don’t mean it to be) satiates my eyes quite well, thankyouverymuch! But I think we’d have fun picking one out for him. And most of my faves, I’d love nothing more than to spend a long evening just -talking- to!

Ease their pain: SB, TRO, CK and mercuria?.

Borrow an outfit from: lol. Prolly simple mind or DA, cuz I’m pretty much a jeans/tshirt kind of person. And I like boy sweaters.

Update their blog more often: Firebabe, SBP, RMR, CK

Have a baby with and marry one day: Uhm. None of them? I’m pretty sure (well, really sure.) that I want most of my pseudomarrying and baby-having to be with AJ. Sorry. 🙂 (Plus, many of them already have amazingly beautiful kids!)

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dang… I wanted to visit some of the diarists you mentioned but got the “faves only” thing (cuz you know now I’m dying to know what the “camels” thing is all about! ;). Ah well… *smiles*

& honey… today IS Thursday so… y’know. That should be all the warning needed in terms of any pictures posted… being it’s half nekkid thursday & all! 😉