
SO TIRED!!!!!!

But, on time to FH this morning. Holy busy. eesh.

Did hte parade and it kinda sucked cuz we were literally the next to the last people, so I didn’t get to actually *see* any of the parade, and Homie was here and gone and I didn’t even get to see -her-. *sigh* Whatev.

Found out this morning that Stem’s mom died a few weeks ago. Her cancer returned unknown, and she died within 2 weeks. I can barely think about it without getting short of breath and upset. Cuz I adore Stem and he is so active in raising money for cancer research and stuff.

reading for the cure is next week. It’s going to be difficult, I’m sure. But Elisabeth and I will prolly go together this year. lah.

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(ok, so yeah–I unprivatized it–for awhile anyway 🙂 NOT a scary accident, really. Sorry to worry you!! 🙂


Sorry to hear about Stem’s Mom. ** sigh ** Big hugs.