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get rid of me, and i hunt you down. -smooch-

I want to stay! I know we don’t talk much but I care and it’s good to know how you’re doing.

I’d like to stay, if you’ll have me.

Like I need to ask??? *s* (Uh, I’m asking) RYN…. Durrr. Like YOU needed to ask. No way, chica. You were already there and I’d have added you even if you hadn’t been. You’re not one of “the people” I was addressing.

…not sure if I even need to say that I definitely want to stay… or if you’ve worked this out with the *edit* but… yeah. …I want to stay–that goes without saying. xxoo,

…are you telling me you actually resisted?? C’mon!!! 🙂 It’s really not so much a “flash” as a “peep” I swear! 😀 I put it in there just to see who was actually *reading* enough to say, “hey that wasn’t a REAL FLASH! Come on now!” But most everyone around here except you has been pretty dang quiet lately. *g*

Click me if you are still downsizing. 🙂