
so. the power returned at some point last nite. however upon returning from a very long day of classes, i discovered that my apartment (notice, I did not say “my apartment building”) had/has no electricity. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF???

I have too much fucking work to do. I don’t NEED any additional excuses to procrastinate. So, I called the electric company and they said it’s prolly the breaker switch down at the main meter place. No clue where that is….

So I call the landlady who, when I explained that I didn’t know where the main breaker thing was was like “Oh, of course you don’t, honey!” *rolls eyes* Cuz I’m a girl and girls are useless and stupid. WTFE. Then she’s like “gee, I wouldn’t even know who to call. And [husbandguy] won’t be home for an hour. So will that be ok?”

I chuckled and was like “Guess it hasta be, huh?….”

Then I cried. (after I hung up_

and my laptop batteries are about to die. FUCK

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-big hug-

October 3, 2005

aha sorry:| it just seemed funny cause your having the worst of the worsest days EVER!

October 3, 2005

((((hugs))))) even if they’re a day or so late & all that. I had some guy tell me “don’t break a nail now” once when I was semi-rude to him because he was pounding on the front door of the office (when J&I ran a motel) at like 3 in the morning &… I opened the door & he was like, “I’m checking out & just wanted a cup of coffee.” …Ummm. That’s why you have a POT in your ROOM jerk-off.

The idiot was pissed that I didn’t have coffee going… at THREE in the morning!! (we were VERY obviously a “Office hours are 6 a.m.-11 p.m.” office y’know–right on the door) & he woke me up at 3. …for COFFEE. & then when I was pissy back at him… “well, don’t break a nail, sweetie.” OMG. I’m not even a NAIL girl!! Jerk. (((more hugs for you)))