
I’m very angry at the moment. No clear reason why. I worked a shift this a.m. and it was fine. Went running after. Could only manage 2 miles, which is disappointing but not anger-inducing. Still waiting on a call from this job. Maybe I’m not angry, maybe I’m just stressing. UGH. It’s been a full week since my interview now. What’s the grace period? What do I say if I call….something along the lines of "I interviewed a week ago, and I’m impatient as fuck, so I was just following up on that…" maybe. Maybe not.

I want to be able to run 3 miles at a go, like I used to be able to do. I only stopped for a month or so, I feel like it shouldn’t be this difficult to pick back up. I dunno, dunno.

Got my w2 today, hopefully will get my lazy arse out of bed to file my taxes tomorrow. But right now I think I’ll watch more Archer. Cuz it makes me laugh.


Someone help me make this go away. It pops up every few minutes when I’m on OD???

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.

Script: http://b.voicefive.com/c2/6035233/rs.js#c1=3&c3=50009253&c4=500089872&c5=1621123817&c6=&c10=1&c11=&c13=&c16=gen&ax_bid=IV1_cb3f2da26134e3db20c38b85bbbd55561_117270132522216949411_ee90cfcd95626d32a89eb295d57c0ed6_1621123817_1&ax_i=&ax_g=&:1

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You probably need to install adblock plus as an add-on or something if you’re using firefox would be my guess? No clue really. I run ghostery and some other things to stop all that garbage. I’m guessing that might be what it is? Would that we could download a banish the angries add-on huh? ((HUGS))

January 24, 2013

You could stop it for good by putting the address b.voicefive.com into your hosts file with the IP address of If you have Windows 7 or Vista, click Start->All Programs->Accessories and then right-click Command Prompt and choose Run As Administrator. Then click “Yes” you want to let the program make changes to your computer. Then type CD DriversEtc [Enter] And then type NOTEPAD HOSTS [ENTER] scroll down to the bottom and add a new line that starts and hit TAB and then type b.voicefive.com and hit enter. Then quit and save. If your computer goes bonkers and tells you somebody changed the hosts file just say to accept the changes. If a hacker changes your hosts file that’s bad. But if you do it (and don’t fack it up) that’s OK. If you do what I said you won’t fack it up. Then you can close your browser window and when you reopen it your computer won’t be able to find b.voicefive.com and the script won’t hang. Or you could join OpenDiary Plus and get rid of the ads.

And the waiting game SUCKS.

January 24, 2013

waiting is the worst. UGH. (so are buggy scripts) xox *~