So I have come to the conclusion that I just MIGHT POSSIBLY be better of as a Welfare mom than a single working mom without a degree.  (NO DISRESPECT meant to the moms who need assistance to get on their feet.  I know from experience how it is.  I’ve been there.  I do however have issues with women who sit around and reap benefits and collect benefits as an expectation like someone owes them something and they refuse to try to better themselves.)  
So, ok maybe I’m not better off as a welfare mom……….how about if I just say the United States Healthcare plans SUCK MONKEY NUTS??
My daughter has FOUR teeth that need root canals.  Yup, that’s right FOUR.  First person to blame is me, since she does not see a dentist regularly.  But MAYBE if I had dental insurance this would not be an issue.   Although my jobs to date have had decent medical insurance, there has been very little or no dental coverage.  I recently applied for a shared cost plan, and they tell me I make 266.00 a month too much for assistance.   Funny how they base the income scale off your money BEFORE taxes.  If they went by what I actually BRING HOME,  I’d pass the income check with flying colors.
I took Aisia in for a toothache on Monday.  I paid 60 bucks for them to tell me it will cost ….. are you ready for this…..if your standing… YOU JUST MAY WANT TO SIT DOWN.
Ok …here it goes.  Grand Total to get her dental work done at a low budget low cost dentist is…………… Drum roll please………
Yes people, thats right.  Her teeth will cost me more than a trip to Jamaica, Spain, China, or any other fabulous vacation,  double what I paid for my car,  just under what I pay a YEAR in rent, and many more comparisons that would take me a year to list.
Needless to say the dental receptionist had to pick me up off the floor when they told me this.   Here is the real kicker.  Aisia brushes her teeth REGULARLY and has all her life.  You know what the dentist says to me?  HOT CHEETOS (and any other "hot" chip), LUCAS and SODA are the killers.
Kids literally inhale these things at school all day and they contain ABNORMAL amounts of acid.  Yeah, they brush in the morning and before they go to bed at night, but the junk in this food sits on their teeth for 8 plus hours during the day.  Due to the high acidity of the JUNK, cavities set in quicker.  And  BAM next thing you know you have obnoxious amounts of dental work needed.
YES, I know I could have maybe caught these things as simple cavities prior to them becoming so bad they need root canals, but again, have any of you looked at the average price for even simple dental work?
But ALAS… there is good news to all this.  I did my research, made my phone calls and The University of Houston has a dental program where graduates are doing their residency.   An experienced dentist performs each and every procedure with the graduates and at a much lower cost.
I now have to pay $25.00 for a copy of my daughters X-rays.  Mail them to the University, then they will do the work for $350 a tooth.  Still costly, but at least I can work that into a budget for the next few months.  So there is an ounce of light at the end of the tunnel.
Ok, gotta get back to work. I’m just do damn EXCITED to be able to write again.   I’m off work tomorrow through Tuesday, my sister is coming to town for my birthday (TOMORROW),  but STAY TUNED,  I’ll be back next week!!!!  I’ll will catch up on fav’s and start writing regularly again.

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whoa! that’s crazy. I just had my wisdom teeth out and that was $1k 🙁 I’m a student! lol. that’s a bit unreasonable for me.

February 19, 2009

thats a damn shame. Im glad things worked out for you in the end

February 22, 2009

Holy crap! That’s highway robbery.