Times where you want to slap a B*TCH

So this is one of the things that happend while I was Missing In Action.

Back History:   18 years ago, I moved to LA and became best friends with my neighbor Tarkih.  Through the years we have mostly lived in separate states and but kept a special bond.  Yes, we have messed around here and there, but we never had ANY intentions of being together.  We liked our friendship the way it was.  I just always said that the sex STOPPED the day either of us got married.  In fall of 2007 that day came and Tarikh married Sonique.  It was the best thing that ever happened to him.
The comments in (RED) were not in the emails, just my comments to explain crap.
Date: Friday, February 6, 2009, 4:36 AM – I get the following email:  (Notice the bytch is up at 4 am hacking her man’s email? Quite obviously they are going through something that has nothing to do with me)

Bitch this is Tarikh’s wife Sonique……
Your supposed to be his homegirl? Bitch why in the fuck are you trying to fuck a married man? Why are you sending pictures of your pussy to my husband? 
Contact him again and you will see me bitch. TRY ME

My Response:

WHOAH….. Slow down.  All this name calling and threatening is childish and ridiculous.   You need to get the facts before you decide to get ill with people.
I know who you are and have known about you for YEARS!    In case YOU didn’t know, he and I go back as far as you two do.  I’ve known Tarikh since he was about 15 years old.  (side note, although we both met Tarikh when we were teens, she was MIA for 15 of the 18 years we knew him.  He just found her again 9 months before they got married – while him and I have been hella tight the entire time) 
Those pictures were sent long ago and to my knowledge before y’all got married.  I have NO desire to "FUCK" any married man… not even Tarikh.  And even if I did, I would find one locally and not one over 1500 miles away.  I haven’t lived in Cali for over 3 years and am currently VERY happy in my own relationship.  Trust me, I don’t need to intrude on yours or any one else’s for that matter. (The pics were taken 2 years before the marriage and resent at his request about 4 months before they got married.  When I resent them I had NO CLUE he was serious about her.)
Furthermore, I have done nothing but encourage and respect your marriage when speaking to Tarikh which FYI…. is now maybe twice a year….if that even.  As an old and dear friend, I am HAPPY he married you.  It’s the best thing that has ever happened to him.  I’ve never seen him happier in the all the years I have known him. (This was the GOD’S HONEST TRUTH!!!)
Nonetheless Tarikh is one of my oldest and dearest friends and always will be.  Yes, we have a history if you want to even call it that.  But like or not, that will never change.  But it IS ALL IN THE PAST!
I wish the two of you and your children well, but honestly, you need to take this up with your husband, not me.  And please do not EVER contact me again.  There is no need.

First and foremost look at the dates SENT: Thu 7/12/07 7:34 AM (YES LOOK at the dates. TWO YEARS AGO,   Please tell me why you are in hacking your hubby’s email at 4 :30 in the morning getting mad about some crap from TWO years ago???? BEFORE ya’ll got married and BEFORE I knew he was serious about you?? and look at the time…..did she really think I rolled out of the bed at 7:34 in the morning, and the VERY first thing I do, is log onto the internet to send "kitty" pics?  Freaking Tarikh woke me out my sleep an hour before and we had been talking for a while.  He called me on his way HOME from work.  UGH…..)  

So I am perfectly within my right to question everything and anything. You see I arrived in late February, so you were disrespecting me and Tarikh’s relationship, we didn’t get married until November, but it was still a committed relationship. I don’t give a dam if you grew up with him or not, I bet you this much, it can change, as a matter of fact it just has. Cause I am the best thing thats happened to him. He wouldn’t choose you over his family, you were just something on the side to keep him busy. If you think any different I dare you to proove me wrong.
Good you have a man go send him pictures dont send them to my husband. DOnt worry I wont bother you no more, unless you contact my husband, then its on!
Have a great day!:)


My final Reply:

<pclass=”MsoNormal” style=”background: white; margin: 0in 0in 0pt”> 

Did it ever occur to you that the pictures were REQUESTED from your oh so loving hubby???  Oh wait he WASN’T YOUR HUSBAND AT THE TIME THEY WERE SENT. And second of all, I have NO WAY of knowing what dates you got there, why dont you ask him when he decided to tell me you were there?????   ONCE AGAIN, this is between YOU AND HIM.  

I’ve NEVER pursued a relationship with Tarikh, not then not now.  Again, you don’t have the facts, only speculation of you THINK went on and whatever itty bit of information Tarikh has decided to clue you in on.  I have made it PERFECTLY clear to Tarikh for years, that no matter what what on between HE AND I  that it would end the day either one of us got married.  AND IT DID.   There has been NOTHING sent after your marriage to him.
AGAIN, I AGREE your the best thing that happened to him SO QUIT EMAILING ME, GET OVER THE FACT THAT TARIKH HAS SEEN, TOUCHED, FUCKED and wanted to look at other pussy than yours PRIOR to your marriage and get on with your life.  

I’m done with you
Needless  to say… I never heard from the heifer again.   Bytches ain’t SH*T I tell you nor are the men they marry AHAHAHAH.
Ok gotta run.  

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February 27, 2009

ha ha ha ha! I would have done the same thing. effing dumbass. I bet she is giving him shit right now for it. I love when girls try to get big in emails.

February 28, 2009

She’s obviously insecure about your friendship with her husband. It’s sad, and certainly not your problem, but maybe he was doing something to make her start looking into his e-mail. I think you handled it very well. 🙂

March 2, 2009


March 2, 2009

That woman seems sadly insecure, glad u set her straight!