Stood UP!!!

Is this dude SERIOUSLY FREAKING KIDDING ME? So I have this friend Daryl who I hang out with here and there. He’s a good guy and I’d date him but he’s a SERIOUS push over and I consider it a problem that my balls are bigger than his and technically I don’t have any!!!!

Anyway, all week long he has been mentioning going out this weekend. I say ok. Last night he cancelled to do laundry. Ok…cool. I don’t need you to smell like funk when we hang out. So tonight he calls me at 7 and says he’ll be here around 9:30, he had to take his nephew home. 9:30 rolls around…he’s still hanging out with this nephew (who has a MAJOR crush on my daughter) and says he will be here around 10:30. 10 pm rolls around and his nephew calls an asks if he can tag along to the movies and asks if my daughter can come. I tell him sure he can hang, but my baby is out with her friends already. WHYYYYYYY did I just get a phone call from Daryl who now needs to re-schedule?

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and he wonders why we haven’t hooked up as like be in a relationship!!!???? There are a bajillion other reasons aside from this, but I can’t STAND procrastinating or flaky men.


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July 18, 2013

Yep… sounds like you need to find a guy who stands behind his word. Ugh. Flakes. Who needs em?! RYN: I had such a great time, but next time I’ll train more before hand 🙂