Messy Men…

So about a year ago, a friend of mine added me to a Facebook group.   For the most part the room was full of  ignorant, gossiping messy folks.  I hung around for about thee weeks before leaving.  I just couldn’t take it any more.   I did however "friend"  a few people while in that group.    

Guy 1 – Rodney.  We exchanged phone numbers a year ago.  We went out once, and had a decent time.  Nobody I’d be really into but a nice guy.   We kept in touch for a minute but then fell off until about a month ago.   He bought the newer version of my car and tagged me in a post.  Playing around I asked him when I could drive it.   One thing lead to another and we ended up going out on two dates.  A pool party and to the drive in to see Monsters University with his toddler aged son.   Two dates was enough for me to know he’s not my type and its not a love match.   HOWEVER……something interesting happened while we were hanging out.   We were talking about the group and why I left and I mentioned the people were "messy" and not the kind of folks I want to spend time around.  He proceeds to tell me some story about a get-together he had in his home were "he learned that most in the group were swingers and turn most of their events into a freak show".  He went on to tell me that they disrespected his home by doing this and he made them all leave.   I’m thinking to myself "this doesn’t sound right……"  You’ve known and partied with the people MANY of times, this can’t be brand new to you.

Which leads me to Guy 2  – Brian.   He and his wife are in an open marriage.  Cool people, not my lifestyle, but to each their own.  I don’t judge.   Brian and his wife message me online here and there and we have random conversations every now and the.    Last weekend Brian invites me to the house to come swimming.   I’m under the impression that there will be several people there and its a small social gathering.

PLEASE tell me why when I get there, its JUST Brian?  He proceeds to tell me he wants me to be his "girlfriend"  or he wants to "play" every now and then.   I squash that idea right out of his head…… we swim for a while and I go home.   But while we were swimming he proceeds to start talking about people in the group I left.  He mentions Rodney.   He has NO IDEA I went out with Rodney or even met him, but proceeds to tell me about the party as Rodney’s house.    He tells me Rodney is a man-whore (one of my favorite words by the way), and tried to sleep with his wife right in front of him.   He also proceeds to tell me Rodney has slept with several of the women in the group.   

So needless to say I wont be dealing with Rodney nor Brian anytime soon.   I swear I cant stand messy people and these two seem to be just that, and associate with just that.   Am I the only one who finds it odd that these two GROWN men (both over age 35)  felt the need to gossip and run their mouths about other people behind some FACEBOOK drama?  Seriously?   I know men will say anything to try to get goodies but COME ON!!!!!!   This mess is childish.   

Any who….just felt like talking about it.   Hope ya’ll are having a happy 4th!!!




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July 5, 2013

oh wow… that does sound like a mess!! RYN: Thanks. We put an offer in last night 🙂

July 8, 2013

Ha! I told you guys that Facebook is the devil.. It’s an alternate, sick reality that really should never have started. Messy and sick. euch, I’m glad you got out of there while the going was good. Havent had a chance to catch up yet, but here’s hoping… Big hug, Holly