Love Bites

What do you do when you love a man……..who you honestly believe….. loves you too….. but for some reason, his brain fights what his heart tells him?  So he never seems to get thing quite right?

WHY do men (women too for that matter) fight what they feel in their soul instead of coming to terms with what they feel?  Why do our brains have to meddle with things and second guess what we know is right?

*SIGH*  Yeah you guessed it. MB is still around and as usual.  But to be honest,  I simply just do not feel like I used to.  The anger is gone, the irritation is gone, the sadness is gone.  But the love for him is still there. Its just not addictive like it was before.  No more worrying about why I haven’t heard from him.  No more wondering who he is with or what is doing.  No more trying to understand WHYYYY this and WHYY that.

I now enjoy his company when he is there, but really am not tripping when he is not.  He still has his issues and a lot to prove to me, but it kind of feels good knowing I am over mine.  My insecurity seems to be vanished. My jealousy and anger are not lingering around haunting me.  For some reason there is a different feel to this.  He is still confused, but now his confusion does not bother me.  I find it rather comical.

Who knows what will happen this time.  But right now, I must admit I like how things are.  Its about time I feel good.


For those of you who are wondering about Snuffleupagus.  I need to write an entry all of its own.  I  ADORE HIM.  But over the past 10 years during our not being in touch, he has developed ISSUES beyond no return.  The issues do not bother me, but they are severe enough to tread with severe caution if you catch my drift.   I promise to update you soon.

Love Peace and Taco Grease……….  I’m out!


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March 5, 2009

I know what you mean. Andrew was fighting his feelings for the longest. It could have saved us a lot of time

March 5, 2009

RYN: The book is based off the guy Midnight in Sister Souldjah’s “The Coldest Winter Ever” now thats a book you should read. Then Midnight follows. SS emailed me to say she is working on a book that will tie in all the characters. Its a good read, but start with “The Coldest Winter Ever.” Men girl. I will never understand them.