Just BLAH!

I need to spend more time writing. I have so many thoughts, words, stories and random conversations dancing around in my head, I find myself literally talking to myself out loud.   It’s no wonder people think I am I crazy.   Maybe I’ll just put a block of time on my work calendar each day so it looks like a meeting but I take time to write.

Today I feel…… BLAH.   Two reasons really, moving and a man.   I’ll talk about the moving today, cuz the man part I don’t think I can handle today.
THE OLD APARTMENT: Moving out SUCKED. I swear to god moving trolls are REAL. Just when you think you are DONE, the trolls come out and find something else for you to do. It never ends. After the movers came and took everything out, I literally found a truck full of stuff hidden in closets and cupboards that added up to a pick-up truck full of stuff that still needed to go.   Then those bastard little trolls got me again when I went to turn in my keys.   I clean the apartment fairly well and thought it was sufficient, but the moving trolls provided my managers a list of all sorts of nitty-gritty BS that had to be done like, washing baseboards, dusting ceiling fans, and washing windows. REALLY????? So instead of being done at 6 pm when I tried to turn in my keys, I spent 4 ½ more hours scrubbing the place down just to be safe.   These fools had an 1800 deposit and I need my money back!
Which leads me to the next troll attack….when you move, they inspect your place and send you a letter within 7 days of the deductions they will be taking from the deposit. They got me for about 450. 362 to replace carpet (which was SPOTLESS with the exception of a medium sized bleach stain), 35 for the bathroom floor and 50 for some blinds.   Although the carpet is costly….OK….I hate it, but I get it. Bleach is bleach and that is not normal wear and tear.   The bathroom floor and blinds piss me off though.   The floor had cheap linoleum “tacky back” tile squares. The adhesive loosened over time and the tiles slid and overlapped one another. Had I called maintenance prior to moving, they would have fixed it, but since I called after I now have to pay? Really??? The blinds are not ruined; they are vertical and need TWO replacement panels. You can buy a whole set for 20 bucks yet you are charging me 50?   Ridiculous!!!!
THE NEW APARTMENT:  When I first started my search, I fell in love with this quaint little place but it was going to be out of my price range. The next spot I liked was too big of a complex for my blood and the crime in the area was not working for me. Well last week, I decided to revisit the original place. It turns out the price dropped!!! I immediately applied and get the keys on the 22nd.   I’m looking forward to it. The kitchen is a bit smaller, but I’ll work it out. 
I’m just ready for my own space again.  Staying with my sister is driving me NUTS. I’m literally living out of three laundry baskets and share the couch with 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 teenagers, and 3 adults. Ok, so MAYBE the pets don’t really get on the furniture like that, but its small place and not much room. My whole routing is just OFF.   I’m just over it. And on days like today where all I want to do is go home and cry…. I won’t have the privacy to do so. 
Today just sucks. 

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