It’s been a while…..

I cant believe I still remembered my password to get in here….it’s been a long time.

I miss OD.  I think about my diary daily. There was a time where I couldn’t wait to get in here and write.  Then something happened and I stopped coming.  I dont even know what that something was.  Maybe life felt ok for a while so I didnt come here to vent.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  Emotionally, socially and psychologically the past few years of my life have been hell. 

Looking back I think neglecting to write has completely drove me to insanity. I have way too many things locked up in my head. I need to purge. I need the support. Living in my mind is literally killing me. So while this entry will be super short because I’m at work, it is a feeble attempt to ignite my fuse and find the passion to bring my ass back to my diary where I can let it all out.

Hope to see you soon…..

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