Big Bird & Snuffalupagus

Ok.  I have to keep this short cuz i’m on a time limit at the library.  So here are the basics.

His name Daryl but I prefer to call him Snuffy…as in like Snufalupagus from Sesame Street!  (of course there is a reason for this)

12 years ago, I met him in a chat room.  We clicked, we bonded, we chatted on the phone morning noon and night. He had an amazing personality, was sweet, caring, sincere, just an amazign man.   He’s and ex NFL player, at the time owned a Jazz club, a restaurant, and still ran around with some other Ex ball players.   The two of us were in "love" with what we knew about each other.

In 1997, he came to LA.  I went to the Hotel to meet him.  Me, him, Icky Woods, and some other ball player I can’t remember, all hung out at the hotel bar and had drinks.  Little old Dysfunctional 23 year old me made him NERVOUS as hell.  It was soo cute.   This big old athlete, intimidated and nervous by me.   Anywho, I gave him a hug, he left and I never saw him again. 

We stayed in touch for a few more years, but life went on, I was wrapped up in another man, he ended up having a baby by his best friend back in OH, then a year later married another woman.   We lost contact shortly after the marriage.  I think the last time we spoke was in the year 2000.

Early last year he crossed my mind, so I searched him out on myspace.  He made a page, but it looks like he had not accessed it since he made it.  So i left a note anyway.  It bascially said, "if by chance you ever read this….get at me".

Well a week before Xmas, I heard from him.   He’s now divorced, single and still in OH.  He and I picked up right back where it was when we first met.  It’s like we were never apart.  We’re back on the phone morning noon and night.  He admitted that back in the day he knew I was the one, but it terrified the crap out of him, cuz he knew he woudl ruin it.

We plan on spending sometime together in a few months since we never did get to in the past.    He’s AWESOMEEEE but I fear the past 8-10 years of his life has scarred him.  Bad relationships, bad experiences and I think that his own demons and fears will still prevent us from ever getting serious.   But we’ll see.  All thats another entry for another day.  In the mean time, its SOOOOO great to have my friend back!!!

Ok before I go…. Snuffalupagus is cuz  he always used to call me Big Bird or bird for short.  This was because I am six feet and "yellow".  LOL  Since he was a linebacker in the NFL,  I decided if I was big bird, then he was Snufalupagus!!!!!      Unfortuantely, he’s lost 80 lbs over the years and he’s too damn thin to be Snuffy anymore.  LOL.

Ok i’m out.  I hope to come back SOOOOON!!!!



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January 10, 2009

hope it works out=) he sounds like a cool guy.

January 10, 2009

aww that is cute! good to see you again on here!

January 10, 2009

*****HUGS***** damn girl! where ya been???? missed you!!

January 14, 2009

Yay your back! You were greatly missed. Glad you got back in touch with your old friend. Maybe this time you two will hook up…good luck!

January 14, 2009

Ooooohhh! Interesting little romance possibility! I can’t wait to hear where this goes!!