Hey there. It’s been quite a while since I last wrote in this journal. I have found myself only writing in one, which is good for me for I don’t usually just stick to one thing. I believe it’s finally time to let this one to peace. Time for this journal to go up to where all old journals must go when it’s not needed any longer. I hav had alot of memories with this journal and have met so many increible people, but sometimes it’s just better to let go. I will probably never write in this again, unless for some reason, I need to resort to it, I have my livejournal. I can’t forget about teenopendiary, but I must just move on and know that there is always the memories in which I can look upon. Journals are a girl best friend whenever it is needed. I’m doing this for myself and just letting go from not just this little online journal but just a bunch of things that couldn’t forgotten but now it should. Life goes on, and sometimes holding onto something that is not needed just makes things stop and not continue the way it should. So, farewell and hope that life treats you well as it has for me the past few months.
Mary Potter