In to the Dark…..or not

I have found a door..a passage way passed over for thought it meant nothing…once thru i was blinded, the light….heat…reverberated..then faded ..the nothing came again and swallowed it whole…its dreamy here…and things fade and touch–softly brushing against the spirit sending fiery electric reminders of why , of what’s to be ahead.   I always knew it was there, I have seen it real, I know its scent, its soft touch, the warmth while being enveloped….sigh…so far so far away, yet I feel it brushing my cheek.  I sit now, and the music plays, the sounds of  laughter in the background, and yes, tears, yup lots of tears…some wounds are not healed by time…they bleed, over and over, this is called life..and so it goes…back to the nothing for me…I closed the door behind me..I know..there is no turning back..what shall be is being and what shall happen will…only time will say naught

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