
 Plans didn’t fall through earlier today, after all!  Met up with Chris at a Japanese hibachi restaurant halfway between me and where he was staying for the weekend (he used to live in NJ, but now lives in MA).  I don’t think I had seen him since….2002?  2003?  I miss those days, and the adventures we’d have.  I’d never gotten to hang out with him much (we lived on separate ends of the state, and he’s always been busy with his job in radio), but it was always funtimes when I had.  Even just being at some ghetto-y shopping center in the middle of nowhere was somehow made fun, and I honestly haven’t laughed as hard as I did today in a LONG time.

Soon after the drive home, I crawled into bed and took a nap.  Which turned into a sleep.  I woke up not long ago, and it was already close to 9.  I suppose I needed the sleep, though, because I was at Don’s until after 4am the night before.  Playing Skyrim is time-consuming…though I did take a nap there, too, and again when I got home, ha.  Also, we ordered sushi.  It was tasty.

Also, I’m old.  30 isn’t too far off, now…at least, I’ll finally have a career by then, if all goes according to plan.

Things I’ve gotten for Christmas/birthday:   My mom sent me a bunch of things.  Make up, a fancy, advanced electric toothbrush thing, a hat, money, and something in a package I should be getting tomorrow.  And, one of my awesomely amazing friends who is a fellow OD’er got me a nifty hat.  Thank you, Kelly. 🙂

However, the best thing of all yesterday was that I helped to reunite someone with his family.  Justin is a friend of mine who allowed me to live at his apartment for a few months this summer before I moved into my own place. He had been essentially "missing" for over a week after some shenanigans went down and he was evicted from his apartment (along with his roommate, who isn’t on the lease and not technically supposed to be living there).  Basically, it was his own fault for being irresponsible, and he was hiding out somewhere and running away from his problems.  Anyway, his parents were so worried about not hearing from him that they even filed a missing persons report.  I finally made contact with him yesterday and told him what was going on back here in the world of reality.  Just as I thought, he was refraining from talking to his parents out of feelings of shame, embarrassment, etc., but I told him that the best Christmas present they could receive would be to hear from or see him and convinced him to call them, and then he went and saw them and was really thankful, because it made things a ton better!  So, that really sort of gave my holiday meaning.

Guess that’s about it.  I think I’m probably going to buy myself Star Wars:  The Old Republic in a few moments and end my birthday on a decent note.  Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

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December 28, 2011

That’s awesome that your encouragement worked to bring Justin back with his family. The fact that you did that is further proof that you’re cool. 🙂