If she moves it like this, will you move it like that?

Know what that is? Letterkenny. It’s a Canadian show, on Crave… but apparently there is a real Letterkenny in Algonquin Provincial Park and tis a ghost town. I want to marry Daryl, the one with the pink feather boa. He is cute af. LOL!!!

So what is new with y’all? I am still sleepy… I have decided to take back my old iPad. Still works with my account but not others which is strange but wtf. I am getting this at the end of the month.

I just had dumpling soup for lunch. Chicken gyoza… has got to be the best. Ever. 🙂

I slept for a little while. I feel better after my morning clonazepam zonk out. Then after that, I just am.. more alert… 

What’s with y’all these days??


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I know it’s on Hulu here but I have never seen it. I am looking for something new to watch so I think I’ll give this one a try.

March 13, 2021

@mermycohea It is fucking hilarious! 😀

March 13, 2021

OMGosh, that bed is da bomb!!  You will love it!!

Tell me, why did you go from SleepyDormouse to your new good self?

March 13, 2021

@novembercirese IDK… the email associated with the sleepy dormouse account was fucked. Do you have a Ghost bed?

March 13, 2021

@dustbunniesandghosts No, I have a “Bobopedic”, which is a type of memory foam from a discount store.  I used my first stimulus payment to get a new mattress and boy am I glad I did!!