Every time our roommate is going to be out of town…something happens. This time she was supposed to be gone for the weekend. But what happens?
I get a call Friday afternoon from the Ex’s best friend…the ex’s mom was killed in a car accident Thursday night. He can’t get ahold of the ex. So I call the ex’s cousin who hasn’t talked to him either. So I broke down and called the ex…apparently he had sent me an email to tell me but it came in while I was on the phone with his friend or cousin.
Anyway…talked to him….told him I was the info. So today, Sunday, is visitation and the funeral is tomorrow. I can’t do the funeral because I have to work so just going to the visitation.
so here is the fun part….I have to drive almost 3 hours to pick up the ex’s best friend (my suggestion – he didn’t ask) and then it is almost 4 hours to where the visitation is done. We then have to drive 2 hours or so back to my house. I told him he will have to stay the night Sunday and I can drive him home after work on Monday.
N has to work so he isn’t going. I told him he couldn’t go anyway because that would just be rude. The ex is having enough trouble because besides losing his mom….that means he loses the woman who has the electric in her name and his car in her we will see what happens.
People at work were like what is N going to think about you going? I said he is ok with it but it doesn’t really matter. The woman was a big part of my life for 7 years…she was my mom away from mom. This was the first person I heard of dieing that brought tears to my eyes in a very long time.
Anyway..sounds like N is done making me breakfast so going to eat and head out for my day of driving – which means I lose an entire day with N 🙁 oh well…that is how life goes sometimes.
Have a great weekend!
I hope it all went ok.
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