Fabulous Week….

So this has been a great week!  N actually had Mon and Wed off this week.  It has been great.

The best part was his daughter (that he hasn’t seen in a couple years) is in town for a couple weeks at her parternal grandfather’s house.  We actually got to see her for 12 hours yesterday.  We picked her up, took her up to town and did some shopping.  We had given her 100 for her birthday/christmas from us and her grandparents.  {We don’t mail anything because her mom tends to make it disappear so we were a bit behind in the gift dept}.

She is 13.  Her original plan was to buy a pair of the Dr. Dre Beats ear buds – which are 100.  She decided she didn’t want to spend it all on ear phones….. so we continue wandering around the mall.  She skips all the clothing stores…all the jewelry stores…all the knickknack stores….and we end up at the Sporting Goods store.

So what does she buy?  A Bow and some arrows and a target block to shoot at .  He told me she wasn’t the typical girl…although she did have to buy the pink arrow.  She is a very good kid…very polite…very quiet.  I told him she must have gotten that from her mom lol.

Anyway it was great that I got to meet her before we get married and great that he got to spend some time with her.  We are hoping to get to see her again next week.  It was great but we spent waaaayyyy more money than we should have.  I let him splurge because come on….it doesn’t happen often but now it is going to hurt a little the next couple weeks.

So not much new to report.  Still working on getting stuff we need to finish the house and trying to figure out how to get everything for the wedding.  Working on calculating the cost of invitations, postage and other items.  I want to get my invitations sent probably by the beginning of September to make sure anyone making travel plans has time.

That is all 😛

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July 19, 2013

Wow, she sure does sound crazy! I don’t understand how some women can just decide to keep their kid away from their father like that. In my opinion, it is such a selfish act. I was( and still am) afraid that my ex will try to do the same thing. I still am very cautious with how things are at the moment, as, she is very unpredictable. I keep thinking she is going up change her mind and decide she wants to keep my son away from me. There is just no telling with this girl. Now that I have seen and held my son etc, I can’t imagine not having him in my life. In fact, he is all I really think about these days. I just pray things continue to go well. I feel so different now that I’m a dad. It’s a feeling I can’t even describe.

July 19, 2013

Ryn: that just makes me feel so disheartened. Florida is the same way, as far as fathers rights. It seems to be the norm rather than the minority. I think our whole custody system needs reform. Women are simply given far too much power and leeway in such instances. It’s non ethical in my opinion. I feel as though fathers( through marriage or not) should be granted equal rights to their children. Ihave no idea why this isn’t the case. I’m a stickler for justice and equal rights. Fair is fair, in my opinion. I’m just so worried now that things are going to be as bad as I had originally feared. And it really seemed like she was going to try and keep me involved for a minute. Suddenly, the doubts are beginning to creep back in. I really don’t want to have to go through the court system for custody. I’m hoping this is just a temporary setback.