52 days…..

Well I should say like 48 days to get things done…52 days till the wedding…

My friend J got married Saturday…it was a total cluster f*ck.  I knew it would be.  It was totally disorganized.  The ceremony itself was pretty enough…..not the kind I plan on having but guess it was good for them.

Anyway, my wedding nightmares have started.  Literally nightmares.  I woke up this morning having dreamed that my dress was delivered, it fit perfectly and looked great.  The problem?  It was the wrong color.  I was a white dress instead of the black one I ordered.

Sitting here thinking about it, I almost think it is my subconscience wanting a white dress lol.  Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the idea of our Halloween wedding.  I think it will be great….I just think there is a little part of me that wishes I was having the white dress and all the prettiness of a tranditional ceremony.

That being said, our wedding is going to be great.  Maybe some day I will have a ceremony with a white dress to renew our vows or something lol.

Well have to get to work.  I convinced N to go out tonight to meet his friend so I can pick up the BluRay player I am buying from her.  Really, I just wanted to go out…..listen to some bad karaoke and have a couple beers.  We haven’t gone out in months….like at night…..with people.  I told him I wanted to go so he caved in and said we would go.

Sometimes he forgets that he sees people every day that he works and I see no one.  Occasionally I get to go to town and go to the store or whatever but it’s not the same.  I want a night to go out with him and just relax with friends.

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