Real friends

    ‘Friends…  A simple word, isn’t it? It’s uttered everyday to almost every person imaginable.  Who are your friends? I used to think that friends were the people that you could laugh with and talk to. Now I know that friends’t aren’t that, they’re the people who touch your heart. You could spend hours with them doing nothing, and it can be the best time of your life, just because it was with them. They’re the people you can share your secrets with, cry with, laugh with, and just have fun with. They dont’ judge you or make you change. They accept you exactly as your are. They look at you and they see a great person–one they love spending time with. You share something in common and are tied together by memories, tears, laughs and smiles. You are tied together by the love for the other. FRIENDSHIP is the strangest, but greatest thing in the world. I find time with my friends, the best times of my life. My friends are my heart, my soul, my fun, my laughter, tears, love and my life.’

  Its crazy to think of how many friends you have in a life time.  From the time you have your first best friend in your pre-school class to the old people you’ll be going on walks with when you’re 80…  but honestly, how many of them last?  How many friends in that life time, will be your friends no matter what?  Not just casual friends that you talk to when ever you bump into them at the mall or the store but real friends that you want to talk to as often as you can, that you want to make time for to see… Friends you would do anything for and you just know they would do anything for you too.  Friends that stick up for you when others are talking about you behind your back, that bring you soup when you’re sick, and that come by to see you just because.  Real friends… Best friends… Friends you want to have in your life forever.

   well… I guess I’m one of the lucky few.  I have a friend like that.  A friend I hope will be walking next to me or pushing me in my wheel chair when we’re 80.  Or if it comes to it… I suppose I could push her.  Because I would do anything for this friend… even push her wheel chair… because she is one of the few real friends I have.  The kind you want in your life forever.  A friend I hope with all my heart is in my life forever.

     You’re so funny…..   Mandy, I’m going to miss you.

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i left high school leaving behind wonderful friends. i am now leaving one college to go to another, leaving beind more wonderful friends. the friendships you make in life with continue to be stronger. remember, soon you and your friend will be leaving for college, and the onto life from there. you can keep frindships strong. on a phone you can call out as well as recieve calls.

August 10, 2005

Thanks Cass, that means a lot. So much, it brought tears to my eyes. I may be going away for a while, but I’ll be back soon. I love you so much and I’m going to miss you too! Love ya girl!