I Am Happy When…


Once upon a time

There was no princess

No castle and towers

And no pretty pink dress.


Only a little girl

Sitting all alone.

Waiting so patiently,

For daddy to come home


The little girl runs for a hug

As he walks through the door,

She grabs him tight and long,

Pushing him to the floor.


There they sit.

They laugh and play.

This is the man that taught her to count,

How to read and how to pray.


The little girl draws pictures

While daddy watches the news.

And when it’s over he dances in the kitchen

With her standing on his shoes.


He dances very carefully

As not to make her fall.

Dancing around the kitchen

His little girl is getting so tall.


Daddy stands outside,

Holding a bike in hand.

He won’t let go until she’s ready-

That was their plan.


They make it down the road,

Then daddy lets her ride alone

He smiles and watches her go,

And sees how much she has grown.



She walks into the hall

In her pretty white dress.

Daddy tells her she’s beautiful,

Even though her hair is still a mess.


She walks down the stairs

Into the baptismal font,

Where daddy is waiting.

What more could she want?


A few years have passed

The little girl is performing in a play.

Daddy tells her “Good luck!”

And sends her a rose that day.


He wouldn’t miss it,

Not for anything in the world.

For the one who was performing

Was daddy’s little girl.


She did a great job

At least that’s what daddy said,

Before he put on his jacket to leave

And then kissed her forehead.


Daddy drops her off early
It’s her first day of high school.
He tells her to smile
And not to worry, she looks pretty cool.

She only laughs
When daddy says “cool”
Then tells him thanks and smiles
And heads for the school.

He watches and smiles
As his little girl walks inside.
You can tell that he loves her
Because of the tear in his eye.

Daddy gets off work early,
His little girl has a basketball game that day.
He’s been helping her practice,
And he’s excited to see her play.

She remembers what daddy said,
Every thing she learned with him.
She plays her hardest that day
And smiles at daddy when her shots go in.

Not long after that
Was that one fatal day
That daddy didn’t come home,
And it changed every thing in every way.

Killed in a car accident,
That’s what her bishop said.
How do you react to news
That your daddy is dead?

She sits alone in her room
As the days go by.
The tears come down her cheeks
While she is wondering why.

The funeral comes and
She can’t let go.
A part of her is dieing, too,
But she can’t let it show.

She has to be the strong one,
To tell everyone its okay.
But as the days go by
Her happiness fades away.

No longer alone now,
She is surrounded by family and friends.
Although she looks happier,
Her sadness never ends.


Daddy wasn’t there for her sweet 16
Or even her very first date,
Not when she got her first ticket
Or all the nights she came home late.

He won’t be there for her wedding
To share the father-daughter dance.
Her kids won’t know their grandpa,
They will never have the chance.

She no longer sees him every night
Before she goes to bed,
What happened to his promise that he’d be there,
And every thing else he said?

But even though she can’t see him,
She knows his presence is there
From the feeling she gets,
From the love they both still share.

This little girl that loved her daddy so,
That sat upon his knee,
And shared so many special moments
That little girl is me.

I know my daddy loves me,
Even though he can’t be here today.
Now he shares his love with me
In a different kind of way.

He sends me sunshine,
And he sends me rain.
He helps me feel joy
And comforts me when I’m in pain.

He helps me smile
And see that life is great.
He helps me enjoy all the things
That God was able to create.

He is with me always
In every place that I have been
He shares with me my happiness-
My happiness within.

I tried to tell you that it was way to frickin long… but oh well. Its kinda dumb but I got a good score for it in english, wahoo about that. anyway, I’m off- Dont make fun…..

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I guess I’m a bit of a poetry sceptic you could say…but that made even ME cry! What a special piece, well done.

April 24, 2005

wow that made me cry. sigh. In so many ways i lost my father too. only he walked out the door and now he lives miles away. He left me too but in a different kind of way.